I was thinking about something today that I’ve mentioned before. When I first conceived our third child and first son, Kedar, God told me I was pregnant. Doctors told me I wasn’t. Before my OBGYN, blood tests or any store-bought tests could confirm my pregnancy, the Lord had already told me during my prayer time that I was with child. And I knew I had heard His voice clearly.
I shared the exciting news with my husband Kenya. He believed I had heard God, too. So we both had to cling to His word when I was getting negative results back. We had to dig deep and believe the report of the Lord, until, eventually, the doctors could see what was there all along but had been too early to detect.
God’s word had been spot-on. It was the medical team that was off.
Through that experience 15 years ago, God stretched my faith. He revealed to me that His word stands, even when nothing in my circumstances confirms the validity of what He has promised.
Friend, whether you are with child or not, you will give birth. There is a seed you’re carrying inside of you. God planted it there. The seed is a promise from Him to make you fruitful. His word is within you and will produce a harvest.
Your situation may be tough right now, but that’s alright. No matter how much your circumstances don’t reflect His promises, what God said will happen anyway. His word will come to pass. It never fails.
Declare right now by faith, it will happen.
It will indeed.
This morning, during my quiet time with the Lord, He led me to Acts 27 when Paul was shipwrecked. At the time, he was a prisoner for preaching the gospel and would be tried before Caesar. But while sailing along with nearly 300 others, they ran into a violent storm. Things got so bad, according to verse 20, they gave up all hope of ever being saved. It appeared to be over. They would die in the storm.
But God sent an angel to Paul to deliver a word. The Lord said to him, “Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.”
The word of the Lord assured this great apostle that no one would lose their life, even though the winds were against them—and so were the odds.
But I love what Paul said in verse 25. He said, “So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me.”
You’ve got to be like Paul and have faith that whatever God said will happen just as He told you. When I was sick in my body, He promised to miraculously heal me. Doctors gave up on me, but I still had a word from the Lord and that’s all I needed.
Today, I can say with great joy that God did it. He healed me completely and instantly at a prayer service. The winds were against me, too. But God was for me just as He is for you.
In Acts 27, though the ship Paul and the others were on was totally destroyed in the storm, they were able to use the debris and broken pieces from the ship to safely make it to shore. No lives were lost.
See the faithfulness of our God?
Everywhere you look today might seem like nothing more than wreckage. Your life may be in ruins. It could be a relationship, finances, health, or a problem of a spiritual nature that’s creating turmoil in your world. Whatever is, know this: as long as you have a word from God, you will rise above it.
His word declares that when it comes to opposition, according to 1 John 4:4, “greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” You have power to overcome. You have favor to win. You have the necessary weapons to be victorious.
Your weapon is the word of God. It is your sword. It cuts through the lies and the attacks of the enemy and causes you to triumph in every season. So cling to the word. Stand on it. Remain steadfast in it. Let nothing shake you. Trust in God above all else.
Declare Psalm 62:6 ESV over your life, which is what I’m stirring into your cup of inspiration. It says, “He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, stand on the authority of the word of God and lean on Christ, your rock, and you will not be shaken. You will remain sure and confident that what He said will happen. It must, because every circumstance must be subject to the word, the will, and the authority of Christ.
Now let’s pray.
God, thank You that this situation, though it doesn’t appear to line up with Your word, will work out in my favor, because You have decreed it to be so. So today, despite the winds raging against me, I will stand on Your word and declare that it will happen just as You said it would. I praise You for it in advance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
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