I was incredibly worried--distraught even.
I was 18 years old and there was one character in the Bible I most identified with at that moment.
This individual was terrified, feeling inadequate and ill-equipped for the assignment God had given him, just as I was.
It was Moses.
I know he turned out to be a great deliverer who rescued the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, but he didn’t begin that way.
Boy did Exodus chapters 3 and 4 ever speak to my soul as I questioned how in the world God would use little old me.
How could I run a week-long revival at my local church?
My father was the pastor at the time and although I had been teaching Scripture since the young age of 11, in my estimation, this was completely different!
I told myself, a much greater anointing than I possessed and a higher level of biblical insight than I had attained up to that point, was needed to conduct a revival.
I was afraid of messing up that usually intense time of spiritual renewal and refreshing for the Body of Christ.
I pleaded with both my Heavenly Father and my natural father to let me off the hook.
I didn’t feel like a seasoned veteran, which I was convinced was the only type person qualified to be used of God in certain capacities.
Ever told yourself that?
I mentally reduced myself to a useless lump of clay.
What use could God ever have for a quirky, socially awkward, flawed teenager like me? What if when I opened my mouth, no anointed, wisdom-filled words from the Lord came out?
It did not help that I had seen great demonstrations of the supernatural power of God displayed through my father’s ministry. He was both a pastor and traveling evangelist who was used by the Lord to do incredible things.
I had seen God heal people of cancer—verified by doctors’ reports. I had witnessed demonic strongholds over people’s lives be broken. I had looked on in amazement as God beckoned countless sinners through my father’s ministry and saved their souls.
Needless to say, those events in my life set the bar pretty high in my mind for what constituted effective ministry.
Of course, that is not to say God uses everyone the same way, because He most certainly does not. As 1 Corinthians 12 tells us, there are various kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.
However, all I had in front of me was my father’s example.
I was seeing people slain in the spirit and filled with the Holy Ghost through the laying on of hands.
And there I was shaking in my boots!
Wouldn’t someone else more powerful, polished and prepared be a better option? I wondered.
Well, you don’t need me to tell you that it didn’t matter what I was wondering about. God had already made up His mind about me. He knew what His will concerning me was already. I just didn’t know.
The first evening, after teaching from the word of God, I felt led to call for altar prayer.
The first time I laid hands on a woman, she fell out under the power of the Holy Spirit and I stood there looking dazed and confused at my hand.
“What just happened?” was all I could think as I froze in awe.
It happened again and again.
By the time that week was over, I had discovered that there were supernatural gifts locked away inside me I did not previously know existed. We experienced one of the greatest moves of God ever in that revival.
My father extended it another week.
Since then, my life and ministry have never been the same.
I now know both my Heavenly Father and my natural father saw something in me I did not yet see in myself.
The same is true for you.
The Lord knows what's in you, even if you don't.
Despite feelings of defeat and inadequacy, the victory, power and favor is already yours. You've got what it takes. Just walk in it.
Throughout the years, in numerous ways you will be challenged and stretched to push beyond the borders of your comfort zone. In those moments, feelings of fear and second-guessing will occasionally surface.
Do it anyway.
Don't give into your fickle, untrustworthy emotions.
With each new level, the enemy will lurk to try to introduce doubt and skepticism regarding whether God has truly given you what it takes to thrive.
That's his job.
As long as you don't get sucked into his lies, the supernatural equipping of the Holy Ghost will awe you. The Lord will show you that He is working in, through, and for you.
I'm telling you what I know.
The very God of the universe has empowered you to face and overcome whatever He allows to be placed in your path.
It doesn’t matter what it is: an assignment; opposition; setback; or an opportunity that you feel exceeds your experience or capability.
Don’t fear.
Don’t fret.
Don’t be anxious about it.
It is not you who does the work and secures victory anyway. It is God.
In the middle of writing this devotional, the Lord shared a thought with me that I want to share with you to help you trust Him at a deeper level. In fact, I wrote it on Facebook:
"Moses stretched out his rod, but God parted the Red Sea. Friend, though God uses our hands, it is HIS hand that does the work.”
If you always remember that a power much greater than you is ordering your steps, directing your life, orchestrating events and setting you up to walk in your destiny, the grip of fear will be broken off your life.
When you realize that God has anointed and appointed you, and is working in your favor at every turn, you will shake off doubt and anxiety.
You will walk in a new level of confidence, peace and joy.
To help you remember who is on your side, I’m stirring Exodus 3:14a NIV, which says, “God said to Moses, 'I am who I am.’”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, you will be reminded that the Great I Am has predestined, favored, and equipped you for purpose.
There is nothing--no thing-- that comes against you that can overthrow, overpower, or overturn the plan of God, as long as you walk in accordance with His will.
Just as He was with Moses, so shall He be with you.
Now let’s pray.
God, whenever doubt, fear and anxiousness about my future tries to overtake me, remind me that You are with me, guiding and ordering every one of my steps. Thank You for the confidence You are building in me through each phase of life. By faith, I step out on Your promise to be with me always and trust that just as You were with Your Prophets of old, You are with me also. I know I can do all things through You, the One who gives me strength. In Jesus’ name.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
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