I couldn’t
sleep the night before. I forgot to show up for my own daily radio show, Cross
Culture in HD on WUFO 1080 the next day.
I was all out of sorts.
Something was going on.
I could feel it.
I was scheduled to minister last night, as well as tonight, at a local revival.
Ministering to the people of God is my joy, because I never know exactly what He’s going to do, but it is always just what we need.
So anyway, I was just eager. I sensed God was ready to bless us in a special way.
And that, He did.
Last evening, He spoke a word through me about why we aren’t victorious in our lives and how to change that.
The revelation and insight the Lord pulled out of the scriptures was just life-altering for those of us there.
It was a small crowd—not even half full. But a big God showed up in a mighty way and filled the sanctuary with His glory.
Even after the service was over, the saints were crying tears of joy, speaking in tongues, worshiping God, and overtaken by His sweet anointing.
None of us will ever be the same again.
I am so honored that He would use me in that way.
You know, as I travel and fulfill God’s calling on my life, sometimes I speak to large crowds, at other times, intimate ones, but always, the ones God has preordained me to reach.
You see, from the time I was very young, my father taught me it’s not about the size of the crowd, but the size of the God who has a word to release to the people. Whether that be 35, 350, 3,500, or 35,000,000, the God of the universe cares about every soul equally.
It is not about the numbers.
It is about obedience to the will of God and doing what He tells you to do.
I cannot wait to get back tonight!
As Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."
His presence is all that matters.
That is what I want you to remember as you go through life and fulfill the call of God.
Don’t ever get caught up in numbers, popularity, approval, or validation from man. Just seek to please the Lord and He’ll do the rest.
I am a witness.
The ministries God has birthed in me, many of them, started so small. Even this blog, that now draws thousands, once had no readers. But I didn’t care. I knew God had called me to write.
EEW Magazine, when it first launched, was not viewed as a prestigious web publication. In fact, some people didn’t even want to agree to do an interview, because they didn’t recognize the name. I have even been laughed at and called naïve for thinking it would ever grow.
But I didn’t let that discourage me.
I just kept on doing the will of the Lord, because I trusted in the One who called me. Today, EEW is an award-winning publication and I have received numerous accolades and honors. But none of that matters. What is most important is following the path God laid out for me before the foundations of the world.
He has paved yours too.
Just follow Him.
Whatever course He told you to pursue, keep on doing it. If nobody gets behind you, press on anyway, because you are on assignment. What God has planted in your heart will bear fruit, if you don’t give up. The vision will grow. The plan will come together. The struggle will end. The ministry will flourish. Growth will happen... at the appointed time.
But can God trust you to be faithful over the few?
Will you keep on pushing, believing, persevering and praising when it looks like nothing is going right?
If you do, God will bless you. He’ll increase you. He’ll give you more once He knows you’ll be faithful with less.
To remind you of this truth, I’m stirring Matthew 25:23 NIV into your cup of inspiration, which says this: "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'”
When you drink down the contents of your cup, you will be encouraged not to despise the day of small things, because God gives favor to the faithful.
Increase is coming if you don’t give up.
Now let’s pray.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
God, thank You for reminding me to keep my focus only on pleasing You and fulfilling my purpose, because, in the end, that is all that matters. I praise You for the grace and favor You have given me that equips me to continue on in faith, ever believing You to bring increase and blessings according to Your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you need prayer, don't hesitate to request it. I would be honored to stand in faith with you. I know that prayer works. CLICK HERE to learn how to submit your prayer request.
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