The plaid
men’s jacket was old, oversized, and smelly. At the time when I found it and
bought it from a local Amvets Thrift
Store, I was really into blazers. I don’t know. I suppose it was a college
style phase I was going through.
I was a sophomore at Buff State then and felt the need to layer everything I wore, no matter the season. On any given day, you could find me wearing several saggy shirts at a time, with an oversized jacket, looking like I was drowning in my clothing choices.
One night, during on of our Church of God In Christ (COGIC) state meetings, when all the churches from around the region would gather to worship, I had to sing a solo. Well, when I walked up to the microphone, I was adorned in a denim hat pulled halfway over my eyes; long skirt, draping the floor; two t-shirts that hung off me; and my ill-fitting, stinky men’s blazer.
What in the world was I thinking?
I remember hearing shouts from the audience, declaring, “We can’t see your eyes! Pull the hat off!”
So I obliged, only to reveal my matted, disheveled hair underneath. Though the power of God fell as I sang from my heart, later that night, my dad let me know how displeased he was with my appearance.
“You looked a mess!” Bishop Brinson said once we got home that evening.
Never one to mince words, the dear reverend let me know exactly how embarrassed he was by my fashion disaster I chose to sport at such an important COGIC meeting.
Everyone else was dressed up in their sparkly suits, big hats, and Sunday finest. So Dad was not the least bit amused by my version of “hobo chic,” topped off with an offensive stench.
To this day, I cannot articulate why I was so fond of a jacket I was too embarassed to have dry cleaned, but still, wore proudly. Furthermore, I haven’t yet figured out what possessed me to hide beneath multiple loose layers that didn’t suit me well.
As I stated earlier, I suppose it was a phase.
But after my father’s severe reprimand, I realized it was time to let the hideous blazer go, though I didn’t want to.
Looking retrospectively, I clearly see how ridiculous I was being. I wonder why I couldn’t see it then!
In life, we all have our ridiculous moments, don’t we?
Sometimes, it can be a silly fashion faux pas, or something more serious like a toxic relationship, bad investment, or some sort of life-shifting dumb idea we embrace wholeheartedly.
Usually, while we are walking through our “ridiculous season,” we are blinded to the truth, no matter how obvious it should be. We simply cannot see it. Unfortunately for us, we do not readily recognize how silly, counterproductive, unreasonable, or off the mark we are at that moment.
Thank God He is there, just as my natural father was all those years ago, to tell us the real deal, even if we don’t want to hear it.
The Lord, who is more concerned about our character and well-being, than our comfort and preferences, will tell us to release things we want to hold on to; move forward when would much rather stay in the same place; and turn away from something we want to remain involved in so badly.
He is the antidote to the ridiculousness plague that ravages our flesh from time to time. In order for us to receive the help we need, however, we must be willing to yield to Him.
It behooves us to listen and heed His instructions, whether or not we agree, understand, or want to. He knows best. He can see much further than we can. So today, if the Lord is nudging you to go against your own desires to embrace His way of doing things, side with God.
It won’t feel good at first, but one day, you will look back and say, I’m so glad I obeyed God. I was way off. He was right, as usual.
To remind you to obey God for your own good, I’m stirring Isaiah 1:19 NIV into your cup of inspiration. It says, “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land.”
When you drink down the contents of your cup today, you will be reminded that obedience to God leads to good things and avoidance of bad ones. No matter how right you and I think we are, there is only one who is all-seeing and all-knowing.
If we learn to listen and submit to His will, we’ll avoid so much unnecessary heartache and trouble, and walk in favor and blessings.
Now let’s pray together.
God, thank You for reminding me that there is a blessing in obeying You, even when I don’t fully understand Your ways. Please help me to submit to Your authority and realize that all You command me to do, is only for my good. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
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