I landed in
Brooklyn early Saturday evening feeling queasy, shaky and pretty sure I would
be sick. After collecting my suitcase from baggage claim, my eyes darted around
the first floor of LaGuardia airport.
I was looking for the nearest restroom.
At the same time, I quickly read the written names on the signs that several different uniformed men and women drivers were holding up as I passed by, to see if I could find my own.
You see, I had to meet up with my driver who would be taking me to my hotel, but first, I needed to find a stall, fast!
“I feel awful,” I said to my husband Kenya to whom I was also speaking on the phone, letting him know I had arrived safely.
“What’s the matter, babe?” he asked.
“I think I might be getting sick,” I replied, marching through crowds of people. “I hope not, because I have to speak tomorrow!”
I was pretty nervous about my symptoms, since my radio co-host, DJ Hassan’s family had been battling a nasty case of the stomach flu. All that week, I demanded that he stay away from me, as not to give me the “cooties.”
But with the way I was feeling, I was certain that ugly virus had gotten me.
I could hardly concentrate as I rapidly walked, feeling my body trembling, weakening, and the negative signs pointing to the worst, intensifying.
“You’re not sick honey. You’ll be fine,” Kenya assured me. “You are on divine assignment and God is not going to allow anything to stop you from completing it.”
He was so calm about it, even though I was pretty much a wreck.
Then he asked, “Did you remember to wear your sea-bands?”
I frowned.
“My sea-bands? Uh, I-I forgot,” I answered, slowing down.
Sea-bands are acupressure bands I wear around my wrists during travel to combat motion sickness and nausea.
I first learned about them last year from my sister-in-law, Patrice, a breast cancer survivor. At the time, I was in her home state of North Carolina to minister at a worship conference. We stopped by Walmart to purchase them from the pharmacy before returning to her house for a visit.
I remember feeling unsure about whether they would actually work, though.
It seemed odd and too good to be true that a drug-free product with no side effects could help my motion sickness. But when I wore them on the plane returning home last December, those elastic pieces of fabric with the plastic ball in the middle, worked like a charm!
I was even able to read during my flight—a travel activity that usually aggravates my motion sickness. So now, after that successful experience, I always commute to different cities wearing them. Only, I forgot to this past weekend.
Not too long after Kenya's encouragement, the nausea left and my stomach settled.
The next day, the SistaFriendz “Power of Connections” luncheon at St. Francis College was a success. Women were blessed and God strengthened me to carry out my mission, just as He will do for you.
Thinking back on my husband's commentary, I saw how he viewed my circumstances through the eyes of faith.That's why his reaction was totally different from mine. Unlike me, Kenya concentrated on God's sovereignty and the prevailing power of divine purpose.
That really stuck with me and the Lord wants to deposit the same thing in your spirit today too.
When you are walking in purpose, although you may face both minor and major setbacks; subtle and severe difficulties, the Lord is with you. He will uphold you and empower you to overcome them.
Though opposition may momentarily distract you, it cannot permanently deter you. Issues may temporarily sidetrack you, but they won’t stop you, because He is with you, for you, and working through you.
So avoid the brief stress I put myself through and stop worrying, and start resting in God’s power to carry you through.
To remind you to do this, I’m stirring 1 Corinthians 15:57 NIV into your cup of inspiration. It says, “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
When you drink down the contents of your cup of inspiration, you will remember not to allow life’s obstacles to block your faith in God’s omnipotence. He has the power to do anything.
And because of His grace, favor, and power at work in you, you already have victory.
Now let’s pray.
God, I thank You for assurance that, no matter what I’m going through right now, you have given me the victory through Your name. Today, inspite of my circumstances, I speak Your word over my life and believe that I am already an overcomer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
If you need prayer, don't hesitate to request it. I would be honored to stand in faith with You. I know that prayer works. CLICK HERE to learn how to submit your prayer request.