You don’t see how. You don’t know which
avenues to pursue. You don’t even immediately perceive any possible way of
pulling things together. And yet, this is right where God wants you.
Welcome to “”—my hypothetical website domain to stress the point that arriving at your preordained destination has nothing to do with whether it makes sense to you right now.
As the song lyrics say, “While you’re trying to figure it out, He’s already worked it out.”
Whoever you are and wherever you are reading these words, this blog post is God’s way of assuring You that He has good things up head for you. Does it look like it? Perhaps it doesn’t.
But still, His plans for Your life will be completed.
God, who always finishes whatever He starts, never promised He would reveal His blueprint to us, or show us all the steps from A to Z. What He does assure us of in His word, however, is that, according to Philippians 1:6 NIV, “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
I can testify to you from personal experience that God’s ways are quite peculiar and baffling, and somehow, He seems to get everything done.
When I look at my own life, it’s pretty incredible to see what God has crafted out of it, since every fabric of my being was once diametrically opposed to His will.
Naturally, I’m shy.
When I was younger, I suffered from debilitating stage fright. I’m talking about the kind that would leave me hysterically crying, hyperventilating, and begging not to have to stand before people. It took my parents giving me treats, pep talks, and calling heaven down, to pull me together and help ease my franticness.
Although I know God has not given us the spirit of fear, back then, I was full of it.
Sure, I could sing before I could talk, and people like to recount stories about how, when I was a small child, preachers would stand me up on tables so everyone could see me singing. But they didn't know I would have given anything to hide that gift.
My little nerves were shot Daily Cup family, which is why releasing a song from my soul while eyes were looking at me, sent tremors through my small body.
Technically, all those things could be considered as knocks against my unique calling, right? But God chose me anyway. If you think about it, anyone judging me based on the obvious would have said my personality and natural makeup immediately disqualified me from walking the path God laid out for me.
How could a timid, introverted, socially awkward person, grow to become an entrepreneur, speaker, recording artist, radio host and professional writer who interviews other people, and shares their stories professionally?
Uh, does that make any sense whatsoever?
But here I am.
It would seem that the Lord would handpick someone else with distinctly different qualities. I could name a few: outgoing, extroverted, and let’s say, possessing some semblance of enjoyment for being in front of crowds.
But nope, that would be too easy.
God, who seems to really like challenges, selected just the opposite, which proves this: things making sense to us is not a prerequisite to God fulfilling His perfect plan.
In case you missed it, I'll type that sentence again. Things making sense to us is not a prerequisite to God fulfilling His perfect plan.
Let that soak in.
My friend, take it from me. Don’t exhaust and stress yourself out attempting to find the logic in the Father’s sovereign will.That is a futile mission that ends in frustration and bafflement.
After all, none of our limited minds will ever be able to conceive of, or begin to comprehend the fullness of divine purpose.
So relax. Revel in your position as a lump of clay in the hands of God, the Potter. Let Him mold, shape, and make you into whatever He so pleases.
To help you stop trying to figure out the unfigurable, I’m stirring Isaiah 55:8 NIV into your cup of inspiration. It says, "’For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD.”
When you drink down the contents of your cup, you will be reminded that no matter how intelligent, perceptive, and witty you might be, your wit is no match for God's. He is in control of everything and He does whatever He pleases, even when it seems like pure madness to us.
The next time you think it seems like a good idea to play a game of "Guess God's Next Move," spare yourself the aggravation and call to mind 1 Corinthians 1:27 NLT. It says, "Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful."
All you need to know is that, you don't have to know anything, when the One who knows everything holds your destiny.
Now let’s pray.
If you need prayer, don't hesitate to request it. I would be honored to stand in faith with You. I know that prayer works. CLICK HERE to learn how to submit your prayer request.
God, thank You for reminding me that it makes no sense to try to make sense of Your plans. You are sovereign, all-knowing, and unlimited. But I am Your creation, limited in my understanding. So please, when I fall into a pattern of working overtime to figure out Your ways, remind me that, even though You are past figuring out, You can always be trusted to do what is best for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.