So… the
hubby and I were riding home together after running errands last evening. When
we saw the red, blue and white lights flashing behind us, we both glanced at
each other and thought, “Uh oh, what did we do wrong?”
Kenya slowly pulled over to the shoulder and came to a halt.
“I was going the speed limit,” he said as the blinding flickering brightness pierced the night. In fact, he was a bit under the maximum allowable velocity.
We were both confused.
Similar to the reaction of anyone pulled over by local law enforcement, we made a mental checklist of what could possibly be the cause. But, with each hypothetical scenario, we came up empty.
It seemed that, according to our thinking, we were in the clear. That determination, however, was not for us to make.
With that, we waited to learn what went awry.
Well, long story short, turns out there was a vehicle directly behind us that was actually in trouble, not us. We were all clear and free to go. No citations or penalties were issued to us.
However, initially, we instinctively reacted to the LED warning lights by assuming there would be a negative outcome. I suppose he and I, in our younger days—particularly me—received more than our fair share of tickets. So we were naturally inclined to believe something bad was about to happen next.
How often do we do that in everyday life?
Now, make it personal. Think about how many times you have allowed your history to shape your perceptions, reactions, and expectations.
If, historically, you have lost more than you’ve won; failed more than you’ve succeeded; cried more than you’ve smiled; lacked more than you’ve prospered; and hoped for more than you’ve received, there is a tendency within you to brace yourself for the worst.
Either that or you just stop hoping altogether because you’ve bought into the old saying: if you don’t expect anything, you can’t be disappointed.
But that is the wrong mentality my friend.
Now is the time for a paradigm shift, a different way of thinking, and a bold new outlook.
God wants you to realize that your history is not the end of your story. There is so much more He has waiting for you.
But if you don’t believe that, you’ll find yourself sitting on the side of the road waiting for the worst, rather than driving forward, and expecting God’s best.
Yesterday, on Facebook I felt led to post this status: “Why waste time WORRYING, that should be spent WAITING expectantly for a move of God? Relax & believe you will receive everything He has for you.”
That message is for you today.
To help you see that a new season, filled with your best days, is still ahead of you, I’m stirring Isaiah 43:19 NLT into your cup of inspiration.
It says, “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”
When you drink down the contents of your cup, you will be reminded that you cannot prepare for the best if you keep focusing on the worst. Sure, you may have gone through some rough times, but God has some better days ahead with your name on them.
I want you to remember something before I close out this blog post.
Both a negative and positive attitude requires faith: either you believe for the good, or you believe for the bad. The choice is yours.
Now, let’s pray.
If you need prayer, don't hesitate to request it. I would be honored to stand in faith with You. I know that prayer works. CLICK HERE to learn how to submit your prayer request.
God, I have seen a lot of dark days and have been through many rough nights. Because You already know my heart, I may as well be honest and say, sometimes, my not-so-good history causes me to expect the worst, rather than hope for the best. So today, I pray that You will reverse my negative mentality and help me embrace faith for a bright future, according to all the promises You have already spoken concerning me! In Jesus’ name, Amen.