Our youngest son, Kaleb—the funniest little person ever—just gives me bundles of inspiration. I probably could write a book based on his quirks and spontaneous reactions.
Well, anyway, our busy 7-year-old walked into my bedroom and randomly began lifting furniture, and grunting, while looking at me.
The focused stare was a dead giveaway that he was doing it for attention. So I watched, showing interest in the miniature entertainer performing for a captive audience of one.
I’ve learned over the years to just quietly observe even his most erratic behaviors—the harmless ones, at least—and allow him to explain the bizarre shenanigans whenever he feels so inclined.
“Look what I can do,” he finally blurted a coherent sentence while straining (Poor thing!) to lift a very heavy piece of furniture.
“Wow, you’re very strong!” I validated him, trying not to crack up as I looked at the protruding veins in his neck. At the same time, the concerned mom in me felt a bit nervous, as if, at any minute, his tiny arms would snap in half.
Then Kaleb’s eyes searched for another object. Apparently, this demonstration of strength required lots of lifting to prove a point I was hoping he’d soon reveal.
Then came the revelation [Insert the sound of angels singing here].
“See, I’m strong mommy!” he explained wide-eyed, to which I responded with a confirming nod, smile and an enthusiastic “Whoa, yes you are buddy!”
Finally, he took a break from auditioning for his personal “Strongman Competition” (Hallelujah!) and added, “It’s because I’ve been eating healthy.”
Aha! Now we were getting somewhere.
You see, this year, I have been adamant about making sure our family is getting more fruits, vegetables, water, and less sweets, junk food, and processed foods lacking nutrition, but packed with empty calories.
Even I have sworn off some of my personal favorites like cheetos, sodas, and McDonald's fries and replaced them with spinach leaf salads, apples, oranges, cucumbers, and good old H20.
Initially, Kaleb was not too happy about the healthier diet. For the first couple weeks he complained, whined, and asked if we could purchase tastier alternatives.
But when he realized mom and dad were not relenting, he suddenly developed an interest in pomegranates, kiwis, mandarin oranges, cantaloupe, and other deliciously wholesome food choices.
He is realizing that fruit, which I call nature’s candy, rivals the most tantalizing man-made snacks, and it improves your overall health too boot.
So, having him connect his physical strength to the contents of his healthier diet was a very proud moment for me. That means the lessons I’m instilling are sinking in. In fact, they are also applicable to our daily walk with God.
What we ingest and digest impacts our spiritual strength—something we need lots of to bear the weight of the heavy load life can sometimes place upon us.
Trials, struggles, opposition and difficulties come knocking, often, at unexpected times. But even if we are caught off guard, if we are fortified through a strong relationship with God and constant communion with the Father, our faith can withstand the most vicious assaults.
We might be shaken up for a while, but we won’t be knocked down for good when our diet contains a healthy dose of the word, prayer, and worship.
Daily Cup family, a good way to start improving your diet is to add milk—not naturally, but spiritually. To remind you to do this, I’m stirring 1 Peter 2:2 NIV into your cup of inspiration. It says, “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.”
When you drink down the contents of your cup today, it will be nourishment to your soul and strength to your spirit if you apply the principles in it.
Know that God wants you to be strong, whole, powerful, and equipped to handle the weightier issues that overcome and defeat those who are too weak to maintain.
You don’t have to be one of those people.
If you will continue to yield to God, resist the temptation to fill up your mind and time with the world’s junk, and feed your spirit with good things instead, you too, will see your strength increase.
Those who eat healthy are stronger and live better lives—naturally and spiritually.
Now let’s pray.
God, I know I cannot expect to be the victorious person You have called me to be if I am too weak, worn, and weary to handle life’s pressures. So today, I recommit to spending more time with You and feasting on Your word. Please fill me afresh with Your Holy Spirit, because it is only through You that I can do all things. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
If you need prayer, don't hesitate to request it. I would be honored to stand in faith with You. I know that prayer works. CLICK HERE to learn how to submit your prayer request.