As you join me in praying for those who need God's hand to touch them, please also send up a prayer for me today that God would empower and anoint me to minister the word He has placed in my spirit during the 2-night NOW revival. Thank you in advance.
We are also standing in faith with the following individuals:
Johnson wrote:
My name is Johnson from Nairobi Kenya. My prayer request is that God will heal my dad from cancer. He is currently in a critical condition but I know that Jesus is mighty and able to save him. I know that you shall be witnesses to this because we serve a mighty God. I love you all.
Angela wrote:
I had a relationship with a man off and on for five years. We are both Christians and now he is with someone else, but I can’t get him out of my heart, mind, spirit, emotions. I dream he is the one I am going marry. Is it an obsession, a stronghold or a vision from God? I am so mixed up, so overwhelmed and so MISERABLE. I know God can restore this relationship and make it better but is it his will? Is it even his will for me to be married? My daughter goes off to school in a few months for college and I am really gonna have and empty nest syndrome. I am divorced. I am almost 49 and I feel like I am getting older and my chances are slim to none to find a husband for a second time. I want a Godly man, not just anyone.
Most of all, I want peace of mind. I want to be happy no matter what. I want to fall in love with God and accept this season until he moves, but 95% of the time I am living in unbelief, worry, doubt, fear and oppression. I know this is not God’s will for my life but how do I break free? I want to trust him. I want to believe, but I am in such a dry, desolate place. I feel so hopeless, so helpless. How do I put him first? How do I fall in love with God and let him put the pieces of my life back together? How do I rest and relax and believe? I need him to send the latter rain. I need a flood of his favor. I need his increase. I need his healing. I need him to mend my brokenness and restore to me the joy of my salvation. Please pray for me... this hurts so bad.
Donna wrote:
I am asking for prayer for myself that I may overcome all of the obstacles that have come my way on this journey with Christ. I have been overwhelmed and suffering alone. I live in an apartment over a club with drugs and alcohol. My neighbors threaten me so I need a prayer of protection. My finances have dwindled to nothing so I have been unable to move. I am in a relationship of 11 years and there is no more love. You know, I just need prayer.
Tracy wrote:
I have been in and out of bad relationships for the last 4 years and I want to turn my life around. I am celibate right now because I have struggled in the past with using sex as a comfort mechanism and a crutch. This has led to many mistakes. Please pray my strength as I walk on this new path of freedom and TRUE liberty.
I have been reading your inspirations for the last few months and they are a God-send in my life. One of my co-workers has started reading them too in the emails I send out every day. She is not saved but she has been really touched and I don’t know how to witness to her, and help her make that next step. I just need God’s guidance and boldness. I don’t have the courage and I fear she will think I’m crazy if I witness to her and invite her to prayer group. I don’t know if I should just let God work in her heart first and then wait for the right time. I need his leading. Please pray in faith with me for that and keep the inspirations coming. God bless all of you!
God, You see every problem and not a single one is beyond Your power to help. I pray today, dear Lord, for every person who is sick, hurting, searching, and pleading desperately for Your hand of deliverance to touch them. Your word tells us in Hebrews 4:16 that we can come confidently to Your throne and find the mercy and grace to help us in our time of need. I thank You in advance for hearing and answering the cries of Your people. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you need prayer, don't hesitate to request it. I would be honored to stand in faith with You. I know that prayer works. CLICK HERE to learn how to submit your prayer request.