Thursdays are among the most special days here on Your Daily Cup of Inspiration blog. This is the time we set aside to pray for others and believe God to intervene on their behalf. Will you join me in praying for the following individuals on our prayer list today?
Anonymous wrote:
Dear Dianna, I write to you this morning requesting prayers for my marriage which seem to be under attack from the enemy from day 1. My husband and I would be married 8 yrs on 12/8/12 but boy has this been difficult. Sometimes I just want to walk away but then I am reminded of God's promises to me. My vows and my covenant are also what I am reminded of. My marriage has and is plagued with infidelity to the point where a child is now involved.Thank you for allowing me to have you intercede on my behalf. Your daily cup of inspiration is truly blessing me. Thanks again and God's Blessings be yours.
Please pray with me. My finances are so bad. I am neck up in debts and I am jobless as we speak. My marriage is not the best ... the earliest my husband comes home is midnight and he will not explain to me why. He does not respect me and never has time for our two children. I need a job and a better marriage relationship with my husband. I need God's intervention in order to pay my debts. Above all, I want to know what God's purpose for me is. He stirs me up to start a magazine for Christian women in my country. Can I? Please pray with me.
I am the only one in my office that is a saved woman among my co-workers. There are some things that they enjoy doing that I know I should not be doing as a Christian, but sometimes I feel pressured just to fit in. I am 38 years old and I know I should be over feeling the whole “peer pressure” thing, but I still feel it. I constantly go through those scenarios that make me feel nervous and insecure like what if I don’t go along with them? Will I lose favor? Will I be alone and without friends? I am new to this city (it will be 6 months in a couple of weeks) and I don’t want to burn bridges so soon. I know I should not be concerned with pleasing man instead of God but it’s hard to know how to balance my faith and my friendships/work relationships. I need strength and guidance. Thank you!
My pastor asked me to be over a function for the women’s department and I am terrified. I have a speech problem but a lot of people don’t know it because I have learned to manage it well and I just don’t talk a lot. I am embarrassed to talk a lot in front of people and when I get nervous it gets worse. I have been battling these demons of fear and shame. I want to walk in my calling but I don’t want to expose myself and my speech issues. I don’t know how to walk away from what I am being asked to do. I need to know if I should try to do it. Is it God’s way of helping over my mental hurdle? Is it just a bad idea that I should avoid? I’m not clear on it.
Mandy wrote:
I’m harboring guilt over my molestation when I was younger and I struggle with my sexuality. I don’t know who to turn to or where to go but I would love to have the help of Jesus to free me from my pain and inner struggle.
Fear. Hardship. Turmoil. Guilt. Shame. Affliction. Any and all of it... You, oh God, are able to help us overcome. Please stretch out Your hand today. Touch the hearts and minds of Your people. Lead and guide them. Intervene in their situation, for You are the only help we know. As each person listed here today has come and laid their worries, burdens and cares at Your feet, we pray that You will honor their faith. Please show up in their lives so they will unmistakably know they have witnessed the hand of God moving on their behalf. We thank You in advance. In Jesus' name, Amen.
If you need prayer, don't hesitate to request it. I would be honored to stand in faith with You. I know that prayer works. CLICK HERE to learn how to submit your prayer request.