With a heavy heart, I often read "Thoughtful Thursdays" prayer requests. So many people are burdened, hurting, broken and desperately needing God's hand to move in their lives. But the weight of the burden doesn't linger long, because I cast every care at the feet of the One whose power is all-encompassing.
God can do anything!
Today, we're invoking the power of God through prayer and intercession on behalf of the individuals listed here today. And I believe it's already done by faith.
Will you please join me?
"E.M." wrote:
I have been in an abusive marriage for 4 years and I have been hiding it from my family, lying and saying I hurt myself. I am in the church but he is not and I knew this before getting married so I sort of knew what I was getting into. He had put his hands on me before but promised he would never do it again. A few weeks ago we got into it and he beat me bloody. I had to go to the ER for a fractured rib. I knew then I had to get my kids and me out of that situation. We are living with a friend right now. I don't know how to tell my family. I won't take their calls because I don't want them to see my like this. Please pray for me so I can know what's next in my life. I am not working. He is the only one employed and was holding down the family so I pretty much have nothing as of right now except for the clothes on my and my kids backs. I am going to have to make a move soon. I just don't know what that is yet.
I have been having some disturbing symptoms: losing weight for three months straight and don't have an appetite. My stomach hurts all the time and I have been seeing some blood in my stools. I am scared of what doctors might say so I don't want a medical opinion. I know I need one. I just have had so much bad stuff happening in my life and don't want any more bad news right now. I need boldness to face whatever this is, otherwise I'm scared that being scared will kill me before this disease or whatever it is has the chance. I have been repeating "God has not given us the spirit of fear" over and over again but I still feel so afraid.
My prayer request is for elevation financially for my family. I have been married for 16 years and we have 3 children from the marriage. We have struggled financially, especially this year. I am currently working for a company and I have been in the same position for 3 years. I initiated mentorship sessions with a Sr. Manager in order to groom me for a Leadership position a year ago. I have prayed and I have applied to several positions internally but have not gotten any of them and also have applied to outside companies. I'm praying for clarification. I don’t know if I should continue doing what I have been doing. I am also praying for revalation of what my next steps should be or just stand still.
Samantha wrote:
I was terminated this week for missing too many days of work. I have been very sick with my Lupus and my employer was very understanding for a long time. I broke out in a bad rash all over my legs and they were swollen up so big. My co-workers even shared my load by donating time. I have been feeling much better lately, like I was just getting back to myself and now this. I didn't see it coming and I feel like I am being punished for something I can't control. I need the Lord to show me what to do. Is this for the best? Is another opportunity waiting for me. I don't get it. I feel like I'm missing something here?
I have been divorced 3 years after his cheating ended our marriage. He got the other woman pregnant and decided to start a new family with her and leave his old family behind. I have forgiven him but I am finding it very hard to move on. I have met a nice man who I have been dating for 5 months. I can sense him falling for me but I don't know if I am ready for that. I don't want to sabotage a relationship that has potential but at the same time I don't want to move to fast. So my prayer request is for wisdom and understanding of how to navigate this new dating world. I was married for 13 years since I was 23 so I am not used to the dating thing at all.
God, we are crying out for Your direction, help and healing today. Your people need You to order their steps and show them which way is the right way. Your word promises that if we ask for wisdom, You will give it to us freely. So we're requesting wisdom, guidance and understanding. Show Your people Your will Father. And for those who are hurting, broken and struggling, please meet them at their point of need, that they might always know that You alone are a God. You are more than able to do all things. We thank You in advance for what is already done by faith. In Jesus' name, Amen.
If you need prayer, don't hesitate to request it. I would be honored to stand in faith with You. I know that prayer works. CLICK HERE to learn how to submit your prayer request.