I was in the middle of working on several projects today after a long night. I have lots to do, so I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. Right in the middle of it all, I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to stop everything and worship Him. He even placed the song in my heart that would be the soundtrack for this impromptu worship encounter.
The song was Kierra Sheard’s version of Laura Story’s “Indescribable”—one of my all-time favorites!—made popular by Chris Tomlin. It always reduces me to tears. So I found it in my playlist, cranked up the volume and released every care in the presence of God.
It was just what I needed to do in that moment Daily Cup family. I’m telling you, as I allowed myself to get lost in thoughts of what a mighty and wonderful God I serve, everything else just melted away.
The lyrics were the perfect backdrop too. I love the part of the song that says, “Indescribable, uncontainable, you placed the stars in the sky and you know them by name. You are amazing God. All powerful, untamable, awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim you are amazing God…”
There’s something about marveling over how marvelous, big, powerful, and awesome our God is, isn’t there? When we do that, any issues we might be facing suddenly seem smaller in the presence of a great and magnanimous God. He truly is amazing!
I love how worship puts things in perspective.
Well, once my refreshing time of communing with the Lord was over, I began reading about the song and how it came to be. I also found a video blog from Laura Story, who describes the day back in 2002 when the worshipful melody that has blessed so many people first came to life.
She said, “I was driving through the mountains of North Carolina on this amazing day and I kept on thinking of that scripture in Psalm 19 where it says ‘The heavens are declaring the glory of God’ and at first I wanted to sing something and just nothing came to mind and that’s kind of how the idea of God being indescribable happened.”
I greatly enjoyed listening to Laura share that beautiful experience and sing the melody while strumming her guitar.
Something beautiful happens when we worship and declare the glory of God!
I believe that worship is the perfect antidote for the heavy heart. There is healing power in worship. It lifts bowed down heads and heals broken lives. Though the nature of worship is not self-centered, but God-centered, pouring our love on Him with clean hands and a pure heart, invokes His presence. And we already know, in His presence is fullness of joy and everything we need.
That’s why I’m admonishing you to worship God today. Meditate on the beauty of His creation and the awesome wonder of His greatness. To remind you to do that, I’m stirring a portion of the Psalm the song “Indescribable” was birthed from into your cup of inspiration. It’s found in Psalm 19:1-4 NIV which says:
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.
When you drink down the contents of your cup of inspiration, my desire is that you be wowed, awed, and humbled by God’s majesty, and moved to worship the Lord of creation. And when You do, I pray your spirit will be refreshed, renewed, and replenished by the indescribable power of worship...just as mine has been.
Now let’s pray together.
God, I just want to worship You today for who You are. I thank You for gracing my ordinary life and making it extraordinary with Your supernatural presence. Knowing, loving, and serving You is the best and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done! I am Yours always and forever You are mine. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!