“Oh, that my head were a spring of water and my eyes a fountain of tears! I would weep day and night for the slain of my people.” Jeremiah 9:1 NIV
I used to think it strange when I would go before the Lord in prayer and end up crying out for the nation and others. I thought it was somehow abnormal to feel an overwhelming desire to see the wounds of the world healed and a great return to righteousness.
Why was I broken and wailing in the presence of the Lord over the condition of society? I wondered. Why did I cry so much?
But when I “met” Jeremiah the Prophet in the Bible, I better understood what was happening with me.
The Prophet Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet because he carried the grief of a nation and cried out to God on their behalf. He would become so deeply impacted, burdened, and overwhelmed, that he would run to God and pour out words and prayers of anguish.
Sometimes, Jeremiah’s distress was over the sin of the nation. At other times, he felt saddened by the destruction of the land. There were also moments when he mourned over the loss of so many lives as casualties of war, as he did in the scripture I shared at the beginning of this Thoughtful Thursdays blog post.
The point is he felt the sorrow of others.
And we should too.
Even when their struggles were a result of self-inflicted pain brought on by disobedience, Jeremiah’s heart was moved.
Today, I pray that your heart will be moved, as is mine, enough to take a few moments to intercede for those who have requested prayer on today’s blog. They are listed below.
“Ashamed” wrote:
I committed adultery with one of my husband’s business colleagues more than a year ago. It was a spur of the moment thing. It was the result of us going through a rocky time in our marriage, fighting constantly and contemplating divorce. I never told him about it. But the other day he confessed to me that during that time of turmoil in our marriage HE slept with a co-worker that we both know. I had been having dreams about the two of them but didn’t know why and now I do. I was crushed and angry. I hollered at him and asked him how he could do that to me.
I think for a minute I forgot what I had done to him, but he still doesn’t know about it. I have been having dreams about me needing to come clean. I know they are from God. I want to tell my husband but I don’t know how and my reaction toward him was so violent and unmerciful that he will think I am a hypocrite. In a way I know I am being a hypocrite by hiding this.
Please pray that I will be brave enough to tell him the truth. He deserves to know it. And also pray that we will be able to heal the wounds of our marriage. We have been through a lot of things and I don’t want it to be over. Thank you!
Neek wrote:
Depression grips me at the worst times and I feel like can’t stop it even when I sense a spell coming on. I used to drink very heavily to drown out the pain but then I stopped doing that. Alcoholism and drug abuse is in my family. It has been for generations and I thank God he gave me the power to say no to the bottle. I have been sober now for 4 and a half years. But now I have picked up a terrible smoking habit that I want to be loosed from. I think in my heart I am afraid to let go of this vice because I have NEVER been without at least one unhealthy habit. I feel like if I let the cigarettes go I will go back to drinking. I am tired of living in fear, sadness, and depression. I want to learn how to depend on God to be everything I need and not alcohol, cigarettes, men or anything else I have used in the past as my crutch.
Jason wrote:
Please be so kind as to pray for me in my search for a job, I am at a point in my life where I am not sure what is actually happening to me. Am I bewitched/cursed (that is what I start asking myself) because irrespective of how many times I apply for different positions; I don’t even get any response from it.
To make matters worse I am qualified in I.T and Project Management with more than 15 years of working experience in different fields yet I can’t even get my foot in the door for an interview – now you tell me what more can I do.
Recently I had the thought of committing suicide as I could no longer bear it, but some friends told me to be patient and let God do things at His time and not at my time.
I am trying to put my life back together again as I recently (3 days ago) broke up with a woman (married in the process of divorce) that I have been in relationship with. We decided to let it end because we both felt that we are living like hypocrites – Praying out loud to God, yet doing the direct opposite of what he tell us not to do.
Still through all of this I am grateful for having a roof over my head, food to eat and clothes to cover my body – it could have been worse.
Thanks in advance for the prayers.
“Anonymous” wrote:
Dear Mrs. Hobbs,
I am asking God to help me with my personal life. I was saved and doing well in church. I started school and was working full time and I did not make the time to continue to go to church. I am asking God to forgive me for all of my sins, because I know what type of life I was brought up in.
Also, I am seeking a job in my field of studies. I am asking God to help me find a job where I can have flexible hours and be home more with my son and spouse. I am praying I do not have to do home visits on my new job. It is too dangerous and I don't want to have to be stressed when I am meeting my clients. I either want a school setting position or in the office position. I know God will bless me, if I am true to him. I am also asking God to help me with my studies throughout school, because I really want to become a Social Worker. This has always been my dream job. I am 41 years old and I would love to be able to pursue my dream before I leave this earth.
God help my family to want to go to church and want to give their lives to God. God has been so good to me and I am so happy. I know I he deserves better than what I give him.
Sabrina wrote:
This prayer is for my daughter. She is only 22 and is headed down a bad path. She is in love with a man who is a drug dealer but she is caught up in the lifestyle. He has nice cars and buys her fine things so that’s all she can see. Her father (my ex) is in jail right now because he was hustling so I’m not really in the position to tell her anything even though I try. She always tells me you did it so let me live my life. I don’t know how to help her. I don’t know how to help her see the truth. Will you ask God to open her eyes please? She is such a smart girl and very beautiful but she is throwing her life away on a man who will end up just like her father, in jail or even dead.
Dear God, thank You for the honor and privilege of coming to You in prayer. Your people are burdened, entangled, lost, and in need of Your help, guidance, and deliverance. Right now, I pray that You will touch the hearts and minds of those who are requesting prayer. Forgive sins, reconcile hearts back to You, and intervene in their situation as only You can. Oh Lord, You are more than able to do all things. There is nothing too hard for You. Whether the need be spiritual, emotional, financial, physical, mental, or some other circumstantial necessity, nothing catches You off guard, takes You by surprise, or renders You incapable of working it out. So we ask that You will do what only You can by stretching out Your hand of deliverance and moving in the lives of these, Your people. Thank You now for what’s already done in accordance with Your perfect will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you need prayer, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I would be honored to stand in faith with you for a move of God in your life. See how to request prayer here.
Song of the Day:
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!