Yesterday, God wanted to put some inspiration in people's ears.
I was interviewed by my sister in Christ named Michelle Taylor for her “My Saving Taylor” weekly radio program that airs on WUFO, the same station that broadcasts my daily radio program CROSS CULTURE IN HD. She invited me to discuss Empowering Everyday Women (EEW) Online Magazine and how it grew from my personal newsletter into the #1 web publication for Christian women of color.
We had such a wonderful time together.
Before going live on air, Michelle told me about her history with my parents, and how she remembers me and all my siblings when we were much younger. I greatly enjoyed listening to her reminisce; it caused me to reflect on how far God has brought me.
Well, once the program started, I answered Michelle’s insightful questions and shared my story.
We both laughed at the humorous portions of my testimony (There are a lot of those!), and marveled at the sovereignty of God. Daily Cup family, telling others how the Lord picked me up and chose to use me in ministry, business, media, and music when I was happy as a lark simply being a wife and domestic engineer, stirs up deeper levels of gratitude within me every single time.
You see, I wasn’t professionally trained for most of what I do. I didn’t have a whole lot of money starting out. I had no connections. And initially, I was terrified that I would fall flat on my face by attempting entrepreneurship!
It’s funny to look back on that now, since life has changed so greatly for me.
In hindsight, I am able to recognize that my one saving grace was my willingness to obey God and step out in faith. My confidence was and still is in Him—the only One who is able to do all things.
To witness what He has done and continues to do is awe-inspiring.
After Michelle and I completed the interview for My Saving Taylor, we were both aware that the presence of the Lord was with us in the studio. His anointing was so strong. The two of us embraced and God gave me words of encouragement to share with the host. Through tears, we both agreed that we were experiencing a divine moment of destiny.
I love when God does that.
As I left the radio station, I thanked God while driving. I knew He had used me as only He could, to empower and inspire the listening audience, as well as Michelle. God’s purpose for me yesterday was to confirm for everyone listening that He will do extraordinary things with our ordinary lives when we obediently accept His call.
That’s what I want you to know today.
All it takes is obedience.
It does not matter where you’re from, how you begin, or what your limitations are. God has chosen you to do something so special in the earth and as long as you say yes to the Father’s call, He will lead you to your place of destiny.
Don’t worry about how or when. Don’t get sidetracked pondering who or where.
Just focus on “what”… what you are called to do.
Then, do your part and God will do His. The Lord will complete the work in you. Let my life be a testament to that.
Right now, I pray that your heart will be filled with singleness of purpose, obedience to God’s calling, and willingness to follow Him along your set path. To help ensure that this occurs, I’m stirring some encouragement found in Isaiah 1:19 ESV into your cup of inspiration. It says, “If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.”
When you drink down the contents of your cup, you’ll be reminded that God is not concerned about our knowledge, ability, or capacity. All He cares about is our obedient surrender to His will and way. He’ll take care of everything else.
When you adopt a lifestyle of obedience in every area of life, God is able to bring you into your place of purpose, promise, and favor.
And He takes your ordinary life and does extraordinary things with it!
Now let’s pray.
Dear God, I feel Your call upon my life and I want to be used by You. And yet, sometimes, I feel inadequate and not at all equipped to do Your will. But I thank You for assuring me that if I obey You and follow wherever You lead me, I will arrive at my place of divine destiny. Today, I remain full of faith that my surrendered life will lead to a purpose-driven, and abundantly favored life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!