It was after midnight Sunday when we heard the loud, imposing sound of motor vehicles speeding onto our street, followed by the blinding glare of flashing red and white lights. My husband Kenya immediately frowned, rushed over to the window, and peered outside.
“What is it?” I inquired.
It is quite unusual to hear commotion on our quiet, tucked away street at any time of day, which made the late night disruption all the more strange.
“There’s an ambulance and fire truck in front of our house,” he announced.
“What?” I replied, shocked, hurrying toward the window to see for myself what was happening. Moments later, the two of us rushed down the stairs and onto the front porch to investigate more closely.
The porch felt cool beneath my bare feet. I crossed my arms, my body stiffened and goose bumps formed on my skin from the kiss of the night chill.
It quickly became apparent that Kenya and I weren’t the only ones concerned. Our neighbors began filing out of their homes as well, each one wearing the same deer-in-headlights look we no doubt had on our faces too.
We each asked questions (sometimes aloud) that no one had answers to at the time like: “What happened?” “How serious is it?” “Is someone hurt?” “Can you see anything?”
After a few moments, the woman who lives directly across the street from our family with her husband and two adorable children (The youngest was just born months ago.), emerged from the house in a t-shirt and sweatpants. She looked quite frazzled and distressed as she cradled her oldest daughter with tousled blonde locks, who held tightly to her mother.
Silently I prayed that all would end well for the lovely family who lived there.
The following afternoon, our neighbors shared the details with us. Turns out, their daughter had been struggling with a mild childhood virus and was having some breathing difficulties.
But everything is just fine. In fact, this morning, the little girl was outdoors with her mom and baby brother, doing well.
Still, she gave her parents—and by extension, her neighbors—quite the scare!
Looks like the hullabaloo surrounding the issue was greater than the issue itself, which is true of many situations we panic over in our own lives, isn’t it?
We’ll see certain manifestations in our circumstances that cause concern. As a result, we react out of fear, push the panic button, and set off a chain reaction.
We are more inclined to react out of fear of the worst, instead of faith for the best. But God wants us to stop anticipating the bad and start expecting the good. Tell yourself, “Everything will be fine.”
To remind you of this, I’m stirring a dash of optimism into your cup of inspiration today from a very popular scripture found in Jeremiah 29:11 NIV. It says, “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”
When you drink down the contents of your cup, you will be reminded that God has good plans for your life and He is with you through every test, and trial. No matter what you face, His will, will be accomplished in and through you.
When you become sure of that Daily Cup family and hold onto His word with all your heart, through good and bad; ups and downs; turmoil and triumph, your faith will not be shaken.
Right through the storm you’ll still sing, “I’ve got a feeling everything’s gonna be alright!”
It will.
Everything will be fine.
Now let’s pray.
God, please help me not be distressed over the circumstances I see and give into panic, anxiety, and worry. But teach me to place my faith and confidence in You, the one who holds my future. And I thank You so much for the assurance You have given me today that Your good plan will be fulfilled in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!