Before I get into today's blog post, let me quickly say thanks to everyone who expressed concern and love after last week's news. As always, God has given peace and comfort, and the family is well. The other night, however, we were not doing so great. What happened had me nervously lying awake scanning the room for a few nights after the ordeal was over.
It all started when the shrill cries of my seven year old son’s voice rang out at two o’clock in the morning. The way Kedar screamed “Mommy!” nearly caused me to jump out of my skin.
Reflexively, I popped up out of bed to investigate the matter more closely.
“It’s a bird!” Kedar shouted in a panic-stricken tone.
A bird? I wondered aloud. Feeling confused, I rushed toward the door. But, before I could get through the doorway, a winged creature flew erratically toward me.
“Oh, that bird!” I thought as I lost my composure and filled the air with a few blood-curdling screams of my own! You should have seen my feet hopping around my bedroom as if the soft tan carpet were a hot bed of coals. While shrieking uncontrollably and dancing, I managed to snatch a pillow from my bed, somehow. I certainly couldn’t see because I had squeezed my eyes shut. I’m sure I looked utterly ridiculous, blindly jumping, yelling, clenching and swinging my feather-soft shield.
“Kenya!” I frantically called my husband who lay sound asleep through all of this commotion. My gripping fear allowed me to only utter four barely intelligible words: A bird! Get it!
Finally, Kenya awakened from a deep sleep asking a one-word question three times in a row: “What?!”
So I let out another frantic plea for a very groggy Kenya to accost the flying invader. Then I abruptly threw the pillow to the floor and darted out of the room. Both the kids and I dashed down the stairway at breakneck speed, sounding like a stampeding herd of cattle. We all sat huddled in the living room, wide-eyed, swapping our “When I first saw that bird flying…” stories.
After we each relaxed a bit more, the boys began laughing and mocking my actions. Even five-year-old Kaleb put on quite a show telling everyone, “Mommy said…” followed by his best impression of me.
I must admit, it was pretty funny.
After about five minutes, Kenya emerged and announced, “It wasn’t just a small little bird.”
Suddenly, the room grew still as the kids and I waited to hear more. “Well, what do you mean?” I asked.
He hesitated and then continued, “It was, uh, a bat.”
A bat? Eek!
The thought of a web-winged mammal, also known as a creature of the night, flying freely around our house was troubling.
Later on, Kenya and I discovered how this bat infiltrated our home. It came in through a third-level trapdoor we unknowingly left open. Needless to say, since the incident, we have been much more careful not to leave doors open that should remain closed. Though I was pretty shaken up for a while, I have begun sleeping in the evening again, rather than lying awake checking for bats.
You know, I think this occurrence serves as a good lesson.
Be careful what doors you open. Otherwise, you might find yourself face-to-face with a situation that wreaks havoc in your life. Naturally speaking, we check physical windows and doors to see if they are secure. In our spiritual walk, we check our hearts to make sure they are guarded. That’s why I’m adding Proverbs 4:23 NLT to your cup of inspiration today. It says, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”
When you drink down today's cup, you'll be more vigilant about protecting the one thing that dictates the path your life will take. You will also be diligent about monitoring your environment and checking for openings through which the enemy can possibly infiltrate.
I encourage you to take this word seriously today. And don't wait until after drama, confusion, and unfavorable consequences manifest to guard your heart and fortify your spirit. Seek God for guidance and if need be, close the door.
That way, you can avoid an unwanted and unhealthy infiltration.
Lord, thank You for reminding me of the importance of guarding my heart. Help me not to open myself up to anything or anyone without Your leading. And if there are any doors open in my life that need to be closed, please show me Lord, and I will obey. In Jesus' name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, empower, and encourage you!