I find that when I'm going through life's tough spots, the circumstances are not necessarily what most challenge me. It is the mental turmoil, emotional upheaval, and internal restlessness that creates the greatest commotion. So today, in addition to the specific prayer requests we're all taking before the Lord, I want us to pray for the peace of God in the lives of these women.
When we experience His transcendent peace, chaos, trouble, and turmoil can be all around us. Yet, He keeps us calm, comforted, composed, and confident that He will take care of us. We can also better hear from Him when our spirits are at rest.
Today, please join me in praying for the following individuals who wrote into Your Daily Cup of Inspiration, requesting prayer for their situations:
Tasha Salters needs prayer for guidance:
I have been in search of a new ministry home for a few months since transferring to a new college. I am currently in Albany, Georgia and I haven’t felt connected to any of the places I have visited. I feel so spiritually hungry and dry. I miss home, my church family, and my support system. I feel like I’m alone and just drifting. And I’m not happy. I don’t ever recall feeling this depressed. I need God to help me find a home to spiritually connect to because I feel myself burning out. Please pray for guidance and direction! I need it so bad.
An anonymous woman needs prayer for the courage to walk away:
I am in an abusive marriage and have been for quite a while. When I got married 4 years ago my mother and grandmother begged me not to, because this man wasn’t saved, and he was very controlling at the time. But I was in love with him and I was pregnant, although I didn’t tell my family I was having a baby until after we got married. I felt so ashamed because I grew up in the church and I knew better, but I let myself get caught up. I thought I was in love and so I didn’t listen to what anyone else told me. I am so lost and scared. I have withdrawn from my family because I don’t want them to see the bruises and know something is wrong. He threatens me constantly and I fear for my life. He made me stop working and won’t let me enroll in college. I know I need to get out of this situation but I’m afraid. Please pray for me that God will give me courage. I lost my baby because he hit me so much and I feel like I can’t take it anymore. It’s not all the time, but when he does get angry it’s too much to handle.
M. Jones needs prayer for deliverance from her past:
I was molested as a little girl and because of it I have intimacy issues with my husband. Most days, I really dread sex. It feels so dirty and wrong, even though I’m married to a man who really loves me. I just feel so ashamed and dirty for some reason. After sex I just cry sometimes because I feel so disgusting. I get flashbacks of being touched inappropriately and it sends chills up and down my spine. I hate it. I hate feeling this way and I want to be free.
Annette Perry needs prayer for wisdom, confidence, and strength:
A few months ago, my pastor made me one of the youth leaders in the ministry. I was happy to accept it because I have a heart and passion for young people. But I never imagined there would be so much that comes along with ministering to these young kids who are so broken. A lot of the stuff they are dealing with, I didn’t even think about when I was a kid. When they talk to me, cry on my shoulder, and ask for advice, I honestly feel like I don’t know what to say or do. I feel like God must have picked the wrong person!!!! Some days I don’t even feel strong enough to get through my own stuff, so how can I help them? I want to help. I love the ministry, but it’s so much. I need God’s help! I need confidence and wisdom.
Cordell needs prayer for her daughter:
Dear Dianna, I love your blogs! You have been an encouragement in my life and many of my friends’ lives. Thank you for all you do. I need you and your prayer team to call out my18 year old daughter Theresa’s name. She is starting college soon and I’m worried about her. She has really low self-esteem and doesn’t think she is beautiful. I have tried in so many ways to tell her she is a lovely girl, but I think she picked up my hang-ups. I have struggled with my own esteem and I prayed that she wouldn’t deal with the same stuff I have over the years. Sometimes when I look at her, I feel like I’m looking in the mirror. The things she says and does remind me of ME and I don’t know what to do. I cannot heal her pain and I know I’m not a perfect person, so I haven’t always been the best example. Please pray for her. Theresa loves God and she is a good girl. I know that God can speak to her in ways I cannot.
Now please take a moment to join me in saying the prayer posted below.
Father, thank You for the privilege to come boldly before You in prayer. First, please forgive us of any sin and help us live in right-standing with You. God, even before these requests were posted here, You knew all about the needs of Your people. Nothing takes You by surprise. Nothing is hidden from You, oh Lord. And You deeply understand every hurt, pain, and complex issue. So today, we lay these prayer requests at your feet, knowing that You have all power in Your hands. Speak Lord. Give courage, strength, wisdom, confidence, and pour out your anointing upon the lives of these women. Equip them to change what they can, and teach them to trust You in the areas where they are powerless. Above all, we pray for Your peace in the midst of their tough circumstances, so they can walk through these trials, and be ever comforted by Your presence.
Right now, I even pray for those who will be interceding on behalf of these women. I ask that You stretch out your hand and touch them God. Meet their needs while they show concern for others.
We praise You in advance for what’s already done according to Your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading, and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, empower, and encourage you.