I had just finished a Bible lesson when I felt led to search for a specific blog post by name. Because I've written hundreds of posts, I don't typically remember the titles of my blogs. This time, however, the Holy Spirit whispered a title to me from a post first written in November 2008--more than two years ago.
After I read my own archived words, it became clear to me that God wanted to drive home a specific point, not just to me, but you as well.
First, He imparted revelation to me from Jude 1, which is an urgent call to believers to earnestly contend for the faith, and defend it against those who wish to abuse God's grace, and distort the truth of His word. Then, He took me over to my 2008 post which perfectly sums up why it is essential that we, as believers, embrace our calling.
It is so the world can get to know Jesus Christ through us.
As you read today's blog re-post, I want you to internalize its message. Allow it to stir up the gift of God within you and fuel your determination to be all He has called you to be. Although today's cup of inspiration was prepared years in advance of this moment, I pray that it will be a timely, fresh word for you, as it has been for me.
There are people in this world you are assigned to. You're called and purposed to minister to them. No one else can reach them like you can.
God has given you unique qualities, attributes, ideas and ideals that make you better suited for the job than anyone else. But until you release your inhibitions and give yourself permission to shine for His glory, your fear and trepidation will rob you of your destiny.
You see, when you shine--which is ultimately God shining through you--others are drawn to you. It's not because of who you are or what you've done, but because the hand of God rests upon your life. The anointing of the Holy Ghost empowers you to boldly walk in your calling and fill a void in the lives of individuals that need to see the God in you.
Unfortunately, secular society has tainted the notion of shining. For them, it's all about worldly possessions, money, and power. But the kind of shine I'm talking about has nothing to do with how much "bling" you have or how many zeros are behind the amount of money in your account. I'm speaking of the shine the word of God talks about in Matthew 5:16: "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (KJV)
As believers, we're the light of the world... the salt of the earth. God puts us on display in order to reach the lost, as well as inspire other believers to maximize their potential in Christ. So, when you shine, God shines.
When He gives you a platform, it's not for you. It's for the upbuilding of His kingdom and for the edifying of others. That's why I admonish you to get serious about the dreams and goals that have been divinely inspired. Don't sit on those things. Go after them while trusting God for His wisdom and guidance every step of the way.
He has so much for you to do. There's greatness on the inside of you just waiting to get out. But you've got to be a submitted vessel, willing to be a glowing representation of God's grace and unmerited favor.
When you allow God to utilize your gifts, talents, and abilities for His glory, you bless the lives of others. When the glory of God can freely shine through you, then you're equipped to reach souls for the Kingdom of God.
It's time to get focused.
You must refuse to allow anything or anyone to hinder your pursuit of destiny; you have to remind yourself that, there's ministry in you.
Now is the time to rise up and possess all God has promised to you for the advancement of His Kingdom on earth. As you avail yourself to be an instrument of His glory and launch out in faith, the Lord will make a positive example out of you. He'll promote you to heights heretofore unknown!
Lord, thank You for choosing me as a vessel to be used by You. Please give me the courage, focus, and obedience necessary to let my light shine for Your glory. Today, I give everything I have over to the pursuit of Your divine will for my life. I'm Yours Lord, both now and forever. In Jesus' name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading, and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, empower, and encourage you.