*NOTE: This week, the deeply personal Thoughtful Thursdays prayer requests I received were from individuals seeking prayer in my private time, who did not wish to have their requests posted to the blog. Know that my team and I are praying for you today! It is my hope that you will be blessed by today's blog post.
Over the weekend, my husband Kenya and I had a wonderful outing with the children. We went bird-feeding, blew bubbles in the wind, ate ice cream, sat out by the water, ran around, laughed, played, and just spent great quality time together.
It was so nice and relaxing.
All throughout the day, though, there were scattered showers. In fact, the Hobbs clan had to run for cover a couple times to avoid being drenched. But hey, it's springtime and that means rain.
Like it or not, that's just the way it is during this time of year. There's nothing any of us can do to change the season. And the same is true of life, which is what God had to teach me after I fell and broke my wrist in early February.
While injured, my commitments had to be canceled--all of them.
I was completely immobilized and incapacitated.
And yet, my will was strong. Though I was flat on my back and couldn't muster the strength to press forward if I tried, everything in me was screaming, Let me up from here! My emotions, thoughts, and desires were bucking against my season of stillness, rest, and recovery. I had a serious internal war going on.
I wanted--and thought I needed-- to get up and go, go, go. Oh, how I wanted to break out right at that moment--so badly-- but it wasn't time.
I was seriously frustrated, torn, confused, conflicted, and sad. You know why? Not just because I was dealing with a physical ailment, but I didn't know how to rest and accept where I was at the time. Had I simply chosen to enjoy my break from all the pressing deadlines, numerous obligations, and rapidly mounting commitments, I would have been much happier. I would have been at peace.
I would have understood that my rainy season required that I run for cover for a while, but it wasn't the end of the world. Looking back on it, I survived my time of hardship. Everything worked out. The more I stopped toiling in my spirit, and lamenting the freedom I lost, the easier it became to rest in the Lord and trust God's timing.
And now, the rain is letting up. I feel that release happening in my life. The season is changing and so is my schedule. I'm able to take on more responsibility, and do things I've not been able to do in quite some time. And I sense God giving me the go-ahead on some assignments.
Just a few short months ago, however, I had no idea when I would reemerge and thrive again. But God knew all along. And He knows about your situation just the same. Even if you're in a rainy season you don't like or prefer, submit to it. Take refuge in Christ.
Don't fight against it. Don't attempt to reason things out. And by all means, don't work fruitlessly to circumvent the process. That won't do any good. Whatever season you're in, you don't have the power to change it. You just have to go through it. The good news is, God is with you through both the easy and challenging times. Just learn to rest upon His promises.
To help you do that, I'm adding some "rest and trust" to your daily cup of inspiration. These two key ingredients will help you accept what God allows without all the internal turmoil. The way I see it is, if you can't do anything to change the season, then change your response to it. Begin giving God thanks right where you are.
Trust that He's working on you and doing something new on the inside. And just know that, when you come out, you'll have a powerful testimony of God's sustaining power.
Lord, You are fully aware that the season I'm in is not the one I would have chosen for myself. Yet and still, oh Lord, I'm here. So I pray that you will help me not to fight against the season, but rather, go through it with faith and assurance that You are with me through it all. Father, I thank You in advance for joy, peace, and comfort right in the middle of it. In Jesus' name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading, and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, empower, and encourage you.