As I stood staring through the large window of my mom's quiet 12th floor hospital room, my eyes were drawn downward. The sun's yellow and orange tinted rays softly glistened, creating a tranquil, warm feeling. It was such a peaceful, gorgeous spring day outdoors, one I silently wished my mother could stroll around and enjoy.
"Come here Shavette," I enthusiastically summoned my older sister who was also spending the day with mom. "Look at how orderly everything looks from up here," I pointed, admiring the structure and linear patterns of the land below. Every area was segmented and aligned--something I was unable to recognize until I stood at a higher elevation.
For those who know me well, it is not unusual for me to express enthusiasm over nature or other simple things I find intriguing. On this particular day, however, my interest in Buffalo's inner-city landscape had little to do with my admiration for the work of city planners and urban developers. While I yapped with my sis about the roads, streets, and houses below, God sparked something within. He began interjecting His voice into my conversation. Suddenly, the Lord was talking to me, through me. I love it when God does that!
"When you look at the structure of the roads from a higher altitude, you can really see the patterns," I told Shavette, looking like a wide-eyed kid. "You can't see all this while you're down there driving or walking around in it, but it looks completely different from up here."
At that moment, my big sis smiled at me. "You'll be blogging about this won't you?"
I laughed. "You know I am."
She knows me so well, just as God does.
He knew I was struggling with seeing my mother weak and incapable of basking in a small pleasure like going for a leisurely walk, and feeling the mild breeze blow on her face. If I could have healed her pain, grabbed her by the hand, and took her for a walk with me, I would have done it in a heartbeat.
But since that was not an option, God wanted me to understand something I could do--allow Him to shift my perspective so I could see things from a higher point of view. He knows the mind is a battleground during seasons of hardship, so my loving Father wanted me to elevate my thoughts by meditating on Him and His word.
That's what He wants for all of us.
Sometimes, when we face extended struggles along life's journey, it gets really rough. The hike down there in that mean valley is long, difficult, and exhausting. Nevertheless, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we can elevate our minds to a place that transcends the depths of despair.
In other words, while we're walking through the valley of the shadow of death, we can still lift our eyes to the hills from whence comes our help. Hey, thank ya!
Right now, as I prepare your fresh cup of inspiration, I'm throwing in some of that special "elevated thinking" God has been filling me with constantly. It's a wonderful thing.
Whatever you may be going through at this moment, no matter how hard it is, Isaiah 26:3 gives us the formula. "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!" (NIV) When we trust God, and keep our minds stayed on Him, everything will be alright.
If we're focusing on our situation alone, that means we're thinking too low. But, when we concentrate on the power of the one who has full control over our situation, now that's when we can begin seeing things from a higher perspective.
Today, my mom was released from the hospital, thank God. Though tired and still battling some health issues, she was able to feel the wind on her face and the warmth of the sun on her brow. God is faithful as He always is, and will continue to be, through whatever lies ahead.
Remember, meditating on God's word, focusing on His promises, and spending time in His presence is the key to cultivating a positive mentality that transcends a negative reality. Our Heavenly Father, who loves us so much, will keep us lifted through those long, difficult stretches. Psalm 3:3 says, "But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head." (NIV)
TODAY'S PRAYER: Lord, when I'm going through a valley experience, my thoughts can sink so low, and pull me down right along with them. But I pray right now that You will help me not to fixate on the difficulty of my struggle, but instead, remind me to keep my mind stayed on You. For you alone are the source of my peace, strength, and joy. In Jesus' name, Amen.