My dad and I left the hospital together last evening after spending hours at my mom's side. The long halls and numerous corridors were mostly quiet and empty. I was so exhausted and my feet ached, even in black ballet flats.
As we walked together, my father and I chatted softly about the events of the day. We were both glad to have left mom sleeping peacefully in the darkened hospital room, illuminated only by the bright flickering of the television screen.
It had been a long day--really long.
Well, just as dad and I were nearing the exit that led to the parking lot, right in front of us, a woman passed out and began convulsing. Frantically, medical workers rushed to her side as her body seized violently. My father and I stopped in our tracks as not to get in the way of those who were caring for the sick woman.
"I don't know what happened. We just discharged her," said a petite woman in blue scrubs. She was trying her best to hold the convulsing body down.
Clearly, the medical worker was confused about why a woman, whom doctors cleared to go home just moments ago, lie jerking on the floor in a state of unconsciousness.
Even after dad and I left, I continued praying silently for the woman sprawled out on the floor. Of course, I cannot know the ultimate outcome of her situation. After all, I was not there to see the conclusion of the matter. I can, however, take away a powerful lesson from this experience, which is this.
Man, no matter how sure he is, does not have the final say. Experts and specialists are finite and limited in their understanding. Only God is omniscient, infallible, and infinite in His wisdom. In every area of our lives, you and I must live by the word that comes from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). Otherwise, we'll rely too heavily on hypotheses, conjecture, and opinions, rather than putting our confidence in the only one who knows the end from the beginning.
So today, I'm putting some confidence in God's word in your daily cup.
Man can say "it is well," when in reality, it is not.
But, when God says it is well, all thing will work out. Isaiah 40:8 says it best: "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever."
TODAY'S PRAYER: Lord, teach me to trust in You. No matter what anyone else says, or what the situation looks like, help me to place all my faith and confidence in Your word. Remind me that when all is said and done, You always have the final say. In Jesus' name, Amen.