In my adolescent years and throughout my early teens, I loved ants. Loved them!
For hours, during summer months, I would watch the six-legged bugs in wonderment and amazement. Though the scorching heat of the sun burned the exposed skin on my neck and the back of my arms, I spent countless hours hovered over their tiny exoskeletons. Many days, I would even leave behind half-eaten Now and Later's, gum, and other sugary treats for my little friends. To my delight, it never took very long before an army of ants covered the sticky substances.
But, these days, as an adult, my love affair with ants is over. Finito.
Animated bugs are the only kind I think are truly cute. Real, live ones... not so much.
So, when 7-year-old Kedar barged into our bedroom yesterday, announcing the annual spring insect invasion, I was not happy. "Mom and dad, come here," he said. "I see ants!" Instantly, Kenya and I cut our eyes at each other, both preparing our minds for the war against the ants.
"Where?" I asked wide-eyed and frowning. Before Kedar could answer my first inquiry, I followed up with, "Are there a lot of them?"
"Uh," Kedar rolled his eyes around in his head, thinking for about 3 or 4 seconds. "I don't know," he shrugged confusedly. "I just saw some ants."
Well, upon further investigation, turns out, there were only a few that had managed to get inside, this time. For some reason, even with a tidy home and no crumbs for the insects to snack on, ants seem to enjoy touring the Hobbs household. That's why we equip ourselves each year with as much knowledge and consistent effort as possible to combat their assault.
Over the years, Kenya and I have become experts at finding ways to repel them; we're ready this time. And today, I'm adding some readiness to fight in your daily cup.
And I'm not talking about ants.
There are serious struggles, far more challenging than a few household bugs. I'm talking about joy-killers, peace-stealers, frustration-builders, fear-inducers, confidence-shakers, anger-instigators, and troublemakers that show up uninvited, and unannounced in our lives. This post is dealing with those storms and obstacles that buffet us about, and prove too strong to withstand in our own strength.
How can we fight and win against forces stronger than us?
Isaiah 59:19 says, "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him." So then, our confidence is not in our own preparedness for battle. We must internalize Psalm 28:7 that says, "The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me..."
Aren't you glad that God is our defender?
I love the scripture found in Deuteronomy 28:7 that reads, "The Lord will conquer your enemies when they attack you. They will attack you from one direction, but they will scatter from you in seven!" No matter what form your enemy manifests in, God is our conquering warrior.
He is our defense, shield, and help. Whatever we may face, as long as we put our faith and confidence in the Lord, we will be ready to overcome otherwise insurmountable obstacles.
TODAY'S PRAYER: God my Father, I give You glory for reminding me that You are my refuge, strength, and a very present help in my time of need. Even through my most trying and difficult seasons of testing, thank You for being my rock, fortress, and ready defense. Lord, when my heart feels overwhelmed, help me to rest in Your power. And please give me the confidence to know that, through You, I am more than a conqueror. In Jesus' name, Amen.