The night before last I had a dream about a few connections which had to be severed several years ago. Though the individuals have been out of my life for more than 5 years now, I still remember how those relationships ended in betrayal by those I believed to be my friends. Unfortunately, in each case, I welcomed these folks into my life without praying for God's guidance.
That's where I went wrong.
When I awoke, that dream stayed in my spirit all day long. During my time with God, He began dealing with me about the importance of discernment when entering new territory.
Today, I understand that everyone who crosses my path is not from God. I think that's a good place to say amen. :-)
Some people, though they mask it well, have negative ulterior motives and impure hearts. One of my dear Facebook friends, Lakeisha Rainey-Collins, made such a valid point when she posted this up on her status:
Pray for discernment and wisdom when it comes to making connections with others, because some are nothing more than wolves in sheep's clothing. It's better to be cautious than to end up bamboozled.
When I read her wise words, I re-posted the status, because I knew God was confirming the word He had already dealt with me about.
Then, later in the day, God placed it on my heart to follow up with a woman who had reached out to my staff. I've never met her before and don't know a whole lot about her. Still, I believe in being obedient.
As we began talking, it became abundantly clear that God had indeed set up this appointment. It was truly a divinely ordained moment. The more we chatted, the clearer it became to both of us that we were supposed to connect. I love it when God does the connecting!
Through that experience, the Lord drove home a powerful point.
If we can discern and obey God's voice, we don't have to worry about being led astray. He will illuminate our understanding and show us things we could not otherwise see. Details that would ordinarily be hidden from us, will be revealed to us by His spirit.
Isn't that wonderful to know?
When I hung up the phone I thanked God for guidance and sensitivity to His voice. I realize there are far too many pitfalls and traps threatening to snare us, for us to be hasty and disconnected from our divine source of wisdom.
Only the Lord can lead and guide us.
So today, if you don't mind, I want to flavor the contents of your cup of inspiration with some divine discernment. Ask God to show you what cannot be seen with the natural eye. Pray for supernatural wisdom, understanding, and insight. Then, wait for Him to speak to you. When you do that, the Lord, who is always faithful, will show you who He wants you to connect to... and disconnect from.
It's better to hear from God and be safe, than to lean to your own understanding and be sorry. I encourage you to listen to God's voice.
And, instead of connecting to just anybody, stay connected to the vine, Jesus Christ (St. John 15:1). He will show you everything you need to see.
TODAY'S PRAYER: Lord, I pray for increased discernment and greater sensitivity to Your voice. Please give me a heart that is governed by Your word, and an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying. I don't want to connect to anyone or anything You didn't ordain, so help me to always seek You first Father, before making any moves. In Jesus' name, Amen.