Don't you just hate it when you get your days mixed up? For some reason, I had convinced myself that today was Friday. I was so sure of it until, during the course of a conversation with my husband Kenya, he said something that tipped me off.
It was really subtle like, "You do know it's Thursday, right boo?" OK, so... I guess it wasn't exactly subtle. And yes, he calls me boo. Baby. Babe. Bay--you know, endearing, soppy pet names.
Anyway, Kenya's direct question was the first indication that I might have my weekly planner turned to the, er, wrong page.
"No, it's not Thursday. Can't be." I protested decisively . I just knew I was right, the same way I knew it a few years ago when I turned up at a pediatrician's appointment a week early. And let me tell you, that whole "why are you here look" is just downright uncomfortable.
Totally awkward.
But, I digress.
"Actually, tomorrow is Friday," Kenya corrected me without laughing or mocking--this time.
"Seriously? Today is really Thursday?" I asked, not questioning the day of the week, as much as expressing surprise over my jumbled thoughts. I shook my head, thinking over how I had already mapped out my weekend based on a wrong assumption.
The saying, "It is easy to be sure and wrong simultaneously," is apropos.
So, Happy Thursday Daily Cup Family! The power of thought is an amazing thing. What we believe molds our reality, whether right or wrong. If we think it, that thing becomes true for us, no matter how untrue it may, in fact, be.
Just as I started planning my whole weekend based upon misinformation, it can be just that easy to get things twisted up, even when it comes to weightier spiritual matters. Only, the ramifications of the latter are much greater.
That's why, fact-checking our thoughts is so important. How do we do that? 2 Corinthians 10:5(NIV) tells us, "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
Bringing our thought life into alignment with God's word is critical to living a life of divine purpose. So today, I want to put some "right thinking," and "spiritual examination" in your daily cup. Ask God to search your heart, "for out of the heart come evil thoughts," according to Matthew 15:9.
When we submit ourselves to God's process, He reveals unhealthy things hidden deep within us. The stuff we cover up with make up; fake smiles; false piety; and even lies we tell ourselves to make things more bearable; is all laid bear by the power of God's living word.
When we seek Him, because He cares so much for us, our Heavenly Father begins uncovering things in not-so-subtle ways. God shows us the ugliness or insidious lies hidden within, not to hurt us, but to help us. Because, until we know the truth, we cannot be free (John 8:32).
And I don't know about you, but I want to be free. I don't want to live under false pretenses, without realizing I'm off course. Amen?
I want somebody to tell me, "Baby girl, it's not Friday!"
We need God to come in and do what Kenya did to me and say, "You're wrong and misguided." After all, what kind of Father would God be to us, if He let us roam around in darkness, lost?
He knows all and sees all. And when we walk with the Lord, He shows us the truth that empowers us to live a life of victory and favor. Now, that's real love.
TODAY'S PRAYER: Lord, I thank You for loving me enough to show me when I'm wrong. I appreciate You correcting false ideas and revealing the truth, so I can get rid of any and all hindrances in my life. Please help me to always remain willing to receive correction and instruction. For You, oh Lord, are the only one who knows me both inside and out. So, I surrender every thought to You right now. In Jesus' name, Amen.