In order to fully appreciate the lesson in today's post, be sure to read yesterday's blog. It lays the foundation for what I'll be sharing here. Usually, I try to completely exhaust a particular subject all at once. But, today, I woke up with the same thing on my mind.
Can't Do It.
Part Two.
The lessons contained in yesterday's post stuck with me all day, as well as a comment from a woman named Rachel.
She wrote:
One of my friends is so good about stopping herself when she's about to say something negative about someone. She actually wipes her mouth and says, "Nope, not gonna do it." I need that kind of restraint!
"Interesting," I thought.
I actually like the idea of having an outward expression of an inward conviction; a specific action to remind us to remain faithful to the principles we should live by daily.
I know we won't all behave like Rachel's friend and wipe our mouths to avoid speaking unfavorably about another person. Yet, there are some measures we must put in place to set boundaries for ourselves.
You see, at some point, we have to draw a line in the sand that we don't ever cross. Otherwise, we won't have any restrictions or safeguards to keep us from venturing into territory we ought not be walking in.
Romans 5:13 (NIV) says, "for before the law was given, sin was in the world. But sin is not taken into account when there is no law." In other words, where there is no law or rule, there is no sin (See Romans 4:15). Therefore, we have to acknowledge and adhere to specific rules, and standards in our lives. Thankfully, those standards are already outlined for us in the word of God.
So then, part two of "Can't Do It" mandates that we walk according to the word, and apply practical strategies to live out those principles. We have to get specific about what we can't do and set up a zero tolerance policy for ourselves.
For example:
- If I broke free from a toxic past relationship, even if I feel weak and tempted to go back, can't do it. So I won't waste time calling or hanging out with this individual.
- If an opportunity to get ahead compromises my integrity or runs counter to my purpose, no matter how appealing it may seem, can't do it. So I will shut it down, immediately.
- If there is a place I used to go that always lured me into sin, even if I want to go back, can't do it. I won't even play with fire and tempt myself by re-opening that door.
- If failing to spend time with the Lord, read my word, and feed my spirit, made me weak before, can't do it. So, even when I feel like slacking off, I'll do whatever I have to do to stay strong.
Today, I want to add some "determination to draw a line in the sand" in your Daily Cup. As I said yesterday, anything that compromises our integrity, balance, spiritual health, and ability to fulfill God's mandate on our lives, has got to go.
Above all else, we have to remain connected to Jesus Christ, the vine. Because the word of God tells us makes us aware of something else we can't do, which is, make without Him. John 15:5b says, "Apart from me you can do nothing."
TODAY'S PRAYER: Lord, here I am with a surrendered heart. I thank You for loving me enough to give me this important word once again. I ask that You search my heart today. Anything in me that's hindering me from getting rid of the distractions leading to set-backs in my life, reveal it to me. I already know that by Your Holy Spirit, I am empowered to overcome! In Jesus' name, Amen.