The year was 2002. I diligently searched the shelves of the discount bookstore, along with my husband Kenya, to find a spiritually enriching read on the cheap. Since reading is among our best-loved pastimes, before the small, overcrowded book shop shut down several years ago, it was one of our favorite places to frequent.
On this particular day, I stopped in front of the inspirational section and one title seemed to jump out at me.
So I pressed my pointer finger on top of the thick hardcover book, tilted it toward me, and leaned in closer to read the bold lettering on its maroon and gold spine.
It said, Breaking Free: Making Liberty in Christ a Reality in Life by Beth Moore.
Immediately, I perked up. Beth Moore is a gifted Bible teacher. Her love and knowledge of God's word had impacted me deeply on so many occasions. I was thrilled to find her new book at an insanely low price.
"Look what I've got," I loudly whispered to Kenya who was cradling an arm full of books on the opposite side of the aisle. He, too, had uncovered some pretty amazing finds. And since he was familiar with Beth Moore's ministry, he was excited for me.
We were both like two kids in a candy store, eager to get home and stuff ourselves—only not with cavity-causing treats, but with sweet knowledge and wisdom.
Later that night, Kenya and I were finally able to crack open our books. But, before I got the opportunity to read a single word, I heard a voice clearly say, "That book is not for you."
"What?" I thought to myself. "I bought this book because I want it so badly. If it's not for me then who in the world is it for?"
Seconds later, the answer emerged.
God impressed it upon my heart to give my treasured Beth Moore book to my younger sister, Shante. Reluctantly, I obeyed.
Now fast forward 9 years. Last evening, my siblings and I were sitting around the dining room table at my mom's house—She is doing so well after her surgery and first chemo treatment! Well, I noticed LaQuinte, my other little sister who is a couple years younger than Shante, reading a book. When I inquired about it, I got the nicest surprise.
Shante told me she had given the Beth Moore book to LaQuinte, because it had been such a blessing to her back when I gave it to her. "This book changed my life Dianna. It's so powerful," Shante said lifting it up.
When I laid eyes on it, the maroon and gold paper cover was missing, revealing its simple white hard cover.
I smiled broadly and felt so excited as I reached for the book, opened it, and noticed the special note I had written to Shante. I told her how reluctant I had been to give the book away, but I knew it was for her.
All these years later, God confirmed that for me.
Now, Shante has heard the voice of God as I once did. And I am fully confident that the book will accomplish the will and work of the Lord in LaQuinte's life also.
That's why I often say, always be obedient to the Lord, even when He tells you to do something you feel reluctant to do. Whether He leads you to share a book, an encouraging word, a blog post, a prayer, a video, or anything at all.
Just do it.
Even if you don't immediately receive confirmation that you have indeed heard from the Lord, don't get hung up on that. Rather, be content knowing you have acted upon what you feel called to do.
You never know the impact your obedience will have upon the life of another. Consider, for a moment, Jesus Christ, and how He willingly died and rose again for our sins. Where would we be had He been unwilling to shed His blood for the cleansing of our iniquity? Hebrew 9:22 reminds us, "...and without shedding of blood is no remission."
I wonder what God is calling you to give away today.
If you cannot identify anything specifically at this time, here is something we are all called to give:
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." (Romans 12:1)
TODAY'S PRAYER: Lord, I don't want to ask You to give me anything today. Instead, in honor of the death, burial, and resurrection of your son, Jesus Christ, I want to ask, "What can I give to You?" If I had ten thousand tongues, I could not thank You enough for all You have done, so what shall I render unto You, oh Lord, for all Your benefits toward me? Whatever You say, I will do. In Jesus' name, Amen.
TODAY'S VIDEO: The Hair Brush by Beth Moore