I was having a cup of tea while working last evening. Tea relaxes me and gives me a caffeine kick when I'm tired. Somehow, it would seem that being pumped up on caffeine and relaxing don't really go together. It just sorta works for me I guess. But anyway, after having tea early in the evening, I still wasn't feeling that burst of energy kick in. I told my husband Kenya jokingly, "The way I feel, I just need to chew up some tea bags and see if that helps!" We both shared a laugh and I went back to working on a few projects.
Interestingly, although I enjoy my cup of tea, or occasional cup of Pepsi (one of my biggest vices), when I really want to get motivated, I listen to a song that gets me going. Now, I'm not one of those people who has a large collection of CD's. Songs have to really connect with me and speak to me in some way. Otherwise, I don't listen to them. When I find the right one, however, I wear it out! I have myself a good old time. And if I'm feeling sleepy, it immediately wakes me up.
I should have just listened to some music in the first place, huh?
In life, we don't always feel like doing the things we have to do. Even with our saved-sanctified-filled-with-the-Holy-Ghost-and-a-mighty-burning-fire selves, some days we feel sluggish. We get tired and depleted. We would much rather abandon our duties and veg out instead. But maturity tells us, just because we don't want to do some things, doesn't mean we shouldn't. And, while there is a time for rest and relaxation, there is also a time to dig our heels in, and be disciplined. In moments like the latter, we have to tap into what works for us.
For example, I was pleasantly surprised to stumble across a Facebook post by my dear friend from across the miles and phenomenal inspirational writer for EEW Magazine, LaKeisha Rainey-Collins. She had posted my new video, "I Sing for You," on her wall and wrote this message:
"This is my 'pump me up' song this morning, because all this rain has a girl sleeeeeepy!"
I thought that was pretty awesome. I think we all need something to pump us up when we don't feel like it--whatever "it" is. It may be going to work, exercising, eating right, being kind, forgiving someone who has offended us, holding our tongue, or just being still when we want to take impulsive action.
Sometimes the word of God; prayer; a talk with a close friend; an inspirational sermon; a great song; a helpful blog post or article; or even a deep spiritual conviction will get us going when we feel like stopping. I encourage you to find what pushes you when you feel like giving up, and utilize it to get you through the tough times.
TODAY'S PRAYER: God, there are so many things I have to do on a daily basis. I don't always feel inspired, motivated, or empowered to do them. But, in those times when I really need to press through my slump, help me find the strength and inspiration to go forward. Lord, I also thank You for the things and people You have placed in my life to help me keep pushing ahead when I really want to give up. In Jesus' name, Amen.