4-year-old Kaleb told me in between coughs and sniffles,"Mom, ashley (actually), it's cold in hee-oh (here)." Although he felt chilly yesterday, the temperature in the room was ashley actually pretty toasty. :-)
But, poor Kaleb has been battling a nasty cold, so his body temp has been fluctuating between hot and cold. At any random moment, he may start hastily unbuttoning his PJ's because he feels like he's been placed in an incinerator. Then, just minutes later, he feels like a man standing under-dressed in frigid weather conditions.
Poor baby.
Because of his struggle with this mild flu, Kaleb's body temperature fluctuates, similar to what happens to our emotions when we are not well. You see, after pain enters your body, through personal betrayal, loss, failure, or some other unpleasant circumstance, it can overtake you like a virus. If you nurse the pain, it will grow. Then, your resistance will be too low to fight the effects, and hurt begins controlling the way you feel; the way you perceive the outside world; and the way you respond to life in general.
But, in 2011, God wants you to get free of those emotional trips the enemy tries to put you on. So, right now, I'm declaring with you, that this year, the emotional roller coaster ride is over. It's time to embrace your freedom.
It's impossible to be free, however, if you're harboring, nursing, and holding onto that hurt, unforgiveness, and pain. If you don't release that stuff, those toxic emotions will poison your system like a virus, and cause your feelings to fluctuate like Kaleb's body temperature.
Your mood will swing unexpectedly. Your thoughts will run away with you. Your joy will suddenly walk out the door and leave you with nothing but feelings of confusion and restlessness.
But, at this very moment, God wants to nurse you back to health. He wants you to be free. You don't have to be a prisoner of your emotions, and a slave to what hurt you. You can move forward in freedom and emotional health. You can be a stable, consistent, joyful, well-adjusted, and optimistic person again.
All you have to do is forgive. Release what hurt you. Stop nursing and rehearsing the past. Make up your mind that you will not be defined by your pain. Although you may never forget it, you don't have to be controlled by the memory of it.
As you read this blog post today, if you will determine in your heart not to be victimized by your past hurt, and move forward, you will break free into destiny this year. The choice is yours.
Harbor it or release it. Which will it be?
TODAY'S PRAYER: Lord, I've been hurt. But you already know that. Things have not gone according to my plan, and serious disappointment has set in. At times, I feel bitter, broken, and disillusioned. But You, oh God, are the only one who can heal me. So I open my heart today. I release any bitterness and unforgiveness I've been holding onto, and I embrace my freedom through Christ, Your son. At this very moment, I reclaim my life. I am no longer a victim, but I have victory through You! In Jesus' name, Amen.