I want to thank all of you who have been praying for Pamela Abrigo and the immediate family of Bromley Trotman. Knowing that you so willingly took time out of your busy schedule to show love and concern for someone else going through a rough time, demonstrates that the true love of Christ is alive and well in the hearts of many Daily Cup readers.
Well, I received another moving email this week. This time around it was from a young man who is still in grade school; I will withhold his name to protect his privacy. When he reached out, he began his email by jolting my memory regarding where I first met him. It was during an out-of-state speaking engagement I accepted last year. After his brief description it all came rushing back to me. Before I ministered that afternoon, the well-spoken young man was celebrated for his oratorical skills that had gained him some pretty high honors. He was very kind, funny, and a perfect gentleman indeed.
I was surprised to learn from his message that both his parents are incarcerated, and he is feeling very unimportant and alone as of late. As he shared details about his personal struggle to cope with a negative flood of emotions and lack of desire to continue living, I silently said a prayer.
You just never know what people are really going through.
Everyone that looks happy on the outside is not. Some individuals are secretly struggling with all sorts of issues and personal pain. From family problems and addictions, to low self-esteem and physical illness, even financial ruin and thoughts of suicide.
The internal struggles of the heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit are not always visible to the eye. That is because many of us learn to conceal our pain with a smile and hide what is truly going on inside. Everyday is a masquerade.
But it's time to take off the mask and be authentic.
Perhaps you don't feel comfortable reaching out the way this young man did, and that's alright. As long as you are carrying your issues before the throne of grace and laying them at the feet of Jesus, He will help you. The word of God instructs us in Hebrews 4:16, "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."
1 Peter 5:7 reminds us to give all our worries, anxieties, and cares over to God, because He cares for us. We all deal with struggles, trials, and hardships; but we don't have to go through them alone. I encourage you to take your struggles to Jesus and let Him comfort you.
TODAY'S PRAYER: God, behind my smile there are some unresolved issues. Others cannot see what I'm going through, but You know all things. Here I am being real with You today Lord. I'm stripping away the mask and asking for Your help. I cannot bear these burdens alone, but I know You have the power to take my heaviness and turn it into joy. As I completely surrender all my worries and cares to You, thank You for the assurance that You will work things out and make all things new. In Jesus' name, Amen.