I just found my Blackberry charger today, after it mysteriously went missing for more than a week. All was not lost, however, because my husband Kenya and I have managed to collect batteries over the years. So, we have at least 3 spare ones. Still, losing my plug-in battery charger was frustrating, because the battery drained so quickly, forcing me to swap batteries over and over again.
Usually, when I'm not on the go, I try to keep my phone plugged in most of the time so the battery won't get too low. That keeps me from having to deal with my phone dying in the middle of an important call.
You know, I didn't give much thought to my phone charger and how much I need it, until I was forced to be without it for an extended period of time. Ugh. It's the classic case of not appreciating something until it's gone, I guess.
Similarly, we can fail to realize how important it is to recharge and replenish our spirit in God's presence until we've gone a long time without doing so. You see, when we're reading our word, praying, and worshiping the way we should be, we feel strong, peaceful, and full of joy. When we stop seeking God as we should, however, eventually, it catches up with us. We begin feeling drained, emotionally stressed, out of balance, and joyless. It is not until the Holy Spirit reminds us that we need to re-connect to our power source that we have an epiphany.
As I sit here typing this blog with a fully charged Blackberry sitting next to my computer, it serves as reminder of the importance of staying connected to my source of strength. In John 15:5, Jesus said, "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing."
Stay connected to the vine. Your life depends on it. James 4:8 says, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."
TODAY'S PRAYER: God, I need You so much. You are my life and the source of every good and perfect gift. But sometimes, I get caught up in the cares of life and I don't always seek You the way I should. Thank You for reminding me of how essential it is to stay connected to You. I pray that You will help me to always remain consistent in my pursuit of Your life-giving presence. In Jesus' name, Amen.