I always laugh at my southern family members and acquaintances who complain about cold weather when it's 30 or 40 degrees outside. That would be considered a virtual heat wave this time of year in my neck of the woods! Today, it is literally bone-chilling cold here in Buffalo, New York.
Some schools had to close for the day, not because of too much snow, but because the conditions outdoors were too frigid for the children to go out. I'm definitely keeping all the Hobbs children indoors, although they've been begging to play in the snow. Last night, the temperature dipped to 8 degrees below zero. Right now as I'm typing this, it's still only 10 degrees.
As much as I'm not a fan of sticky-hot Summer weather, these sub-zero conditions almost make me nostalgic for those family barbecues with sun beating down on my brow. I always end up feeling dehydrated, and consuming can after can of soda; that is, until I break down and get what I really need to satisfy my thirst.
No matter how many sweet substitutes I chug, nothing can cure my longing for true refreshment like a cold tall glass of H20. And the same is true of my walk with the Lord. There is no ample substitute that can quench the thirsting of my soul like God's presence. I love the scripture found in Psalms 42:1 that says, "As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants after you, God."
As believers, our hearts ought yearn for the living God. Nothing and no one else should ever take His place. Otherwise, we'll be left feeling hollow inside, and filling ourselves with empty substitutes that create no real satisfaction, only greater yearning.
Just as Jesus told the woman at the well in John 4:14, "but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst," He is saying the same thing to us. He wants to fill our lives with His joy, peace, love, power, and satisfaction everyday. Oh how I thank God for Jesus, my thirst-quencher!
As you're reading this post, if there is any kind of longing or yearning in your heart for anything at all, run to Jesus. He'll shower you with an abundant outpouring of His spirit.
TODAY'S PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the reminder that I can always run to You in my time of need. Even when my days are full and hectic, let me never forget that to pursue Youm my thirst-quencher, sustenance, life-giver, and reviver of my soul. Help me always to seek refuge, comfort, and satisfaction in You. For You have everything I need, and You are the only one who can fill any void inside me. In Jesus' name, Amen.