5 days ago I received an email from a sweet woman and avid supporter of my ministry, Pamela Abrigo, who graciously gave me permission to share her story on my blog. Time and again she has encouraged my heart, prayed for me, and inspired me to continue giving God my all. In the message I received from Pamela, she delivered some troubling news. Her nephew, Bromley, suffered a burst brain aneurysm and underwent an emergency operation. At that time, doctors were concerned because the swelling on Bromley's brain wasn't going down. So Pamela asked me to pray with her and believe God for Bromley's healing.
Without hesitation I emailed Pamela back to let her know I would be praying and believing God with her all the way! I know God is able to do all things. Well, today Bromley was on my heart very strongly and I was very glad to receive another email from Pamela.
The subject headline said, It is Well. So I hastily opened the message and began reading. "I'm sad to have to tell you that my nephew Bromley passed this morning," wrote Pamela.
"Oh," I sighed. I was so wanting to receive a positive report.
It was a very sad moment, and yet, Pamela was still able to say it is well in the midst of it all. Although God did not elect to heal her nephew, she is comforted in knowing that the God of all comfort will intervene, and heal the brokenness of those left behind. His ways are not ours and we do not always understand why we must endure certain tragedies and trials. But Pamela teaches us all a valuable lesson today, which is, it can be well with us, even when things are not going well.
How is that?
When our joy, peace, and contentment is inextricably tied to the God of our salvation, no matter what comes or goes, it is yet well with us. For we know that the source of everything good and perfect yet remains with us when all else seems lost.
You can be sick, but it can be well with your soul; broken-hearted, but it can be well with your soul; mistreated and abandoned, but it can be well with your soul.
I'm reminded of the hymn, It is Well, that I sang at my uncle's home-going service not long ago. It says:
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
TODAY'S PRAYER: God, I pray specifically for Pamela Abrigo, the family of Bromley Trotman, and anyone who may be dealing with hurt and brokenness today. I ask that You will comfort them and heal their pain the way only You can. Please let Your divine peace that surpasses all understanding overtake them right now. Heal them everywhere they hurt. In Jesus' name, Amen.