When she told me what was going on, I must be honest. It sounded bad... really bad. All the signs and symptoms pointed toward the worst. Even the doctor was concerned. Then, certain manifestations in her body were quite troubling when coupled with thoughts of negative possibilities.
To protect her privacy, I won't disclose further details. But, my dear friend was fighting hard not to feed into the same worry anyone in her position likely would have felt. So, when she reached out to me requesting prayer, I set everything aside and talked to God earnestly. Even though the symptoms didn't go away, I was believing God for a positive report anyway.
Before heading to the doctor, she asked me to continue believing God with her, and I did. I knew the enemy, however, had done his best to convince my friend that a fierce health battle was ahead of her.
Well, he lied.
The doctor confirmed that her concerns were unfounded. The issue could be easily rectified. And, as for the other symptoms she was experiencing, they were all tied to a non-harmful issue. So, today when she gave me the good news, I praised God for His faithfulness, and for exposing the insidious lies with which the enemy tries to torment us. I know that one of his favorite strategies is to plant seeds of negativity in our minds to make us believe the worst. He'll take unrelated circumstances, situations, and occurrences, and play a game of connect-the-dots with our minds.
If we don't fight him, we'll find ourselves going crazy and thinking up worst-case scenarios. But today, I encourage you to believe the best first. Expect good outcomes, not bad; happy resolutions, not irreconcilable problems; sweet victories, not bitter defeats.
As you're reading today's post, I want you to embrace the message God wants to get to you. He has great things in store for you, and He wants you to believe that. Cast out fear and negativity, and elevate your level of expectancy so you'll be ready to receive God's best.
No matter what it looks like, know that it's all going to work together for your good.
TODAY'S PRAYER: God, some situations in my life look bad. Honestly, based on the way things appear, I don't know how they all will work out in my favor. That's why I need You to work on my perspective. Help me to see my circumstances through eyes of faith, so I can confidently know that the best, and not the worst, is ahead. In Jesus' name, Amen.