I stood in the mirror combing my hair the other day as I chatted and laughed with my husband, Kenya. When I parted it down the middle I noticed something glistening up there. So I leaned in closer and sure enough, it was a long gray hair. “Look babe,” I showed him. Kenya flashed a big smile, “You’re gonna look like me soon,” he chuckled. Kenya’s hair is graying rapidly up top. For him, it’s hereditary. His late mother, Rosie, had the most beautiful perfectly silver coif.
It’s so funny to think about how much time has passed since Kenya and I said “I do” on that cold January day in 1998 while a blizzard was going on outside. I’m so excited that next month, I’ll be celebrating 13 years with my best friend and partner for life.
My how time flies!
That’s why I think it’s important that we all do our best to maximize the life we’ve been blessed with here on earth. None of us knows what the future holds. The Bible says in James 4:14, “Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.” As I see our children growing up right before our eyes, I recognize how quickly time truly does pass.
Although we cannot stop or turn back time, we can make the most of it each day.
We ought live in such a way that, long after we, like vapor, vanish away, the impact of what we did while we were here, is felt forever.
Today’s Prayer: Lord I thank You for life and the opportunity that each day presents for me to use it to make an impact. Please continue to guide me and show me how to create a Kingdom legacy that outlives my time spent on earth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.