Hi Daily Cup family! Yesterday I got so busy, I missed blogging. It was my niece Ayanna’s 10th birthday, and my sister, Shavette, invited all the kids to the skating rink for the birthday party. So, most of my day was spent getting the Hobbs clan ready for the party and then hanging out with them. Although it was a tiring day, the children and I had a fantastic time! We really did. The biggest surprise of the night came when my 4-year-old son, Kaleb, decided he wanted to skate for the first time.
When we got out there on that slick floor, I clutched my baby boy’s hand tightly, so he could depend on my strength and stability to hold him up. Every time he would slip, I would firmly grasp him, so he wouldn’t fall down. After about 15 minutes of holding onto me and familiarizing himself with this new activity, Kaleb got up the courage to let my hand go.
I was in shock!
I ended up following him around the roller rink, feeling so proud of his independence, and his willingness to get out there to try something new. I think he could feel my concern for him though, because Kaleb would periodically turn around, smile, and give me a thumbs as if to say, “I’m good mom! This is great!” You should have seen him bopping around to the music. Little Kaleb thought he was doing it; he was too funny.
You know, I took notice of Kaleb’s fearlessness and thought about how we lose so much of that boldness as we grow older. We become fearful of many things, instead of believing in our ability to thrive. Thank God for His patience, love, and compassion. He holds our hand and provides guidance, stability, and assistance to us during moments of uncertainty.
So today, since I don’t have any “Thoughtful Thursdays” prayer requests from individuals who wish to be featured on the blog, I will say a general prayer for all of us. *As of January 1st, when I receive prayer requests, I will pray about them privately, but will no longer feature them on the blog. I pray that you will carry on Thoughtful Thursdays in your private time along with me. After all, someone always needs you to intercede on their behalf.
TODAY’S PRAYER: Father, today I pray for anyone reading this blog post who feels the need to be held and assured. Whatever they may be going through, let them know that You are there with them, holding their hand through it all. Please give them comfort, faith, and courage to know that, as long as You’re right by their side through the storm, no matter how forcefully the winds blow, You won’t let them fall. In Jesus’ name, Amen.