I prayed for lucidity yesterday.
And, no. I don’t use that word all the time. Although I majored in English back in college and I love words, I tend to keep it basic when I’m talking to God. We have a regular conversation. He’s my best friend. But the word just rolled off my tongue, as if God implanted that prayer in me, and let me give voice to it.
Even when I heard myself say, “I pray for lucidity right now God,” it seemed a bit odd. But, actually, it was just what I needed during such a hectic day.
Lucid means several different things. But I think there is a particular way God wanted to apply it to me. The definitions that resonate with me most are: having a clear mind, being rational, and balanced. After I finished praying and had a little time to process the prayer, I thought about how perfect that word choice was for my situation.
My plate has been full, but I thank God for His strength and sufficiency.
And, you know what? After I prayed that prayer, even in the midst of 100 different things tugging at me, I was able to remain calm. God kept me balanced and clear-headed throughout the day. I was able to do the things I needed to do, and reschedule those things I could not do.
I thank Him for putting the right words in my mouth and heart during my time of prayer.
He inteceded for me.
He intercedes for you also.
Even during those moments when you’re hit so hard by life that you don’t know exactly what to say, God prays through you. The Bible says in Romans 8:26, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.”
No matter what you’re going through today, know that God is with you. If you don’t know the right words to say, He’ll give them to you.
You might need lucidity. Healing. Peace. Joy. Answers. Rest.
But whatever it is, when you can’t find an effective way of expressing yourself, I suggest the most powerful word I know.
TODAY’S PRAYER: God, I don’t always know what to say when I’m faced with life’s ups and downs. But I know that You know exactly what I need. Help me remain confident that the Holy Spirit is interceding on my behalf everyday. And when I am too weak to find the right words, I thank You in advance for wording my mouth, and ordering my steps. In Jesus’ name, Amen.