I was up until 4:00 this morning without any hint of sleepiness. The culprit? That nice, hot cup of coffee I enjoyed at around 10:00 PM. Yeah, I know. I shouldn’t have done it, but I ignored my better judgment and paid for it by losing a full night’s sleep. And this morning, I felt awful when it was time to drag myself out of bed. The cool draft in the house felt 10x colder. My eyes were fighting to stay closed. My reasoning ability was totally impaired (I didn’t know what day it was!). And my warm blanket was telling me to ignore all my obligations and rest my tired-well-deserving-of-another-week-of-sleep body. Yawn. Although pumping my blood full of sleep-stealing caffeine wasn’t the brightest idea, it’s not an earth-shattering misstep. I’ll go to bed early tonight… and choose decaf in... Read more →