"Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him..." (Psalm 37:7a)
Hey Daily Cup family! I'm so sorry I missed blogging yesterday. You know how much I despise missing days. I was traveling and things got so crazy with my schedule, which is why I had to get up this morning all geared up and ready to work, work, work.
So today, I turned on my computer and began working on a project; I had some clear goals in mind.
Tap. Tap. Tap. I hit the"Enter" key three times. And nothing happened. Six more times, and still nothing, except the appearance of the little time capsule on my laptop screen.
Just great. My computer was frozen... and I hate it when that happens. Especially when I'm trying to work quickly and efficiently.
There I sat, frantically hitting at the keys. "Come on," I whispered, rapidly clicking the mouse. Then a message popped up on my screen which said: "Microsoft windows is not responding."
Uh, nooo, really? That much was obvious.
Then, the second part of the message read, "If you wait, this program may respond." I giggled when I read that message (which clearly inspired this blog post) because it was as if my computer was informing me that tapping on the keyboard a hundred times in a row was not going to cause it to unfreeze any faster!
Sure enough, after about 2 minutes of sitting there impatiently tapping my fingers on my crossed arms, the computer regained its full functionality. What a perfect lesson for me today, I thought to myself.
It's a great one for you too.
Delays are an inevitable part of life. Things won't always change, move, or work out at the precise moment when we want them to. But that's perfectly alright. During these times when things appear to be on hold, after you've done all you can, it's best to be still. Sometimes, instead of looking for answers or alternate routes, we need to remember this: Waiting it out often works it out.
I know "wait" is not the advice we typically want to hear. But it happens to be the perfect solution in some cases... like mine this morning.
And if we learn to be still and wait patiently, we just may get the response we want eventually, without having to spin our wheels and expend unnecessary energy.
Today's Prayer: Lord I thank you today for helping me to see that delays in life are inevitable, but not the end of the world. Help me to patiently accept setbacks, knowing that, if I wait, things will indeed work out according to your perfect time and plan. Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs