"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field." (Matthew 13:44)
Earlier today, I was running around looking for my Blackberry. Unfortunately, the ringer was on silent, so I couldn't just call it from a land line and determine its whereabouts by listening. I looked everywhere! So, after being frustrated for about 10 minutes with my fruitless search, I stood in the middle of the floor scanning the room with squinted eyes, with my hands on my hips.
"Wait a minute. What's that?" I mumbled, feeling a bulge.
I shook my head and laughed when I discovered the phone was in my pocket the whole time! I forgot I had slipped it in there so I would have it with me. It was just like the classic case of looking for the keys that are already in your hand.
In life, you and I hold the God-given keys to our destiny. And like a hidden treasure, it is no benefit to us unless we unearth it. Having what you need does you no good, if you don't know you're in possession of it.
That's why I constantly encourage others to seek God first, because only He knows the untold gems that are hidden within. After all, it is the Lord who put them there. And unless you seek the Father for insight, the wealth of resources, capabilities, talents, and gifts will remain locked away.
And it makes no sense to be looking everywhere for something you've already got in your pocket.
Today's Prayer: God, as I draw closer to you, please show me the treasures that are hidden within. And when you do, I promise to use the value of the gifts you've given me to bring glory to Your name. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.