My husband Kenya came home from Walmart smiling the other night. "Look what I got for us babe," he said grinning widely while pulling two boxes out of the white and blue plastic bag.
Resistance bands.
For working out.
Yay. :-/ *Birds chirping*
Can you sense my excitement?
I hate resistance bands. Those little flat strips of rubber that provide increased resistance to build strength, hurt.
Initially, I tried to feign excitement, until I could no longer hide my intimidation. "Those are so hard to use honey," I told him, hoping not to sound too ungrateful for my, uh, "gift" he had excitedly purchased. Kenya was still cheesing while testing out the rubbery torture tubes. "You can do it. It'll be fun," he said lifting them up and down like 3 pound dumbbells.
Yay. :-/
Ever felt like that about the resistance you have to go through in life? Likely the answer is yes.
We all detest the unrelenting opposition that crops up in our lives from time to time. Though painful and unpleasant, however, resistance builds strength and character within us. If everything came easily, we would never be challenged to grow and stretch beyond our comfort zone.
After all, it is only in stretching that we increase our capacity for greatness. Always remember that. Once we come face-to-face with hurdles and obstacles, and then, get over them, we become more flexible, agile, and strong. We're not as easily daunted, discouraged, and deterred by opposition the next time.
Today, you might be facing some resistance of your own. Tests and trials may have found their way to your doorstep. But don't fret. Through it all God is building your spiritual muscle. Although you might not like the way it feels, when it's all said and done, you'll have more strength, endurance, and resolve to continue pressing forward.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs
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