Yesterday, a situation arose with someone close to me and it wasn't good at all. When I heard about it, I grew deeply concerned and everything in me wanted to handle it on their behalf. I prayed and talked to my husband Kenya about how upset I was over the whole thing. I even spoke to that individual and expressed my perspective on the situation. But my advice pretty much fell on deaf ears. *Shrugging* Nothing was changing.
Then, the Holy Spirit spoke to me ever so calmly. "Leave it alone. You can't change it."
But everything in me was crying out, "I have to do or say something!" But God had a different idea about the whole thing. You see, He wanted me to understand that every battle is not mine to fight. Even though things may bother me at times, there are moments when I have to turn the other way and take my hands off the situation.
It's not easy to be hands-off when you want to be hands-on.
I'm sure you can recall a time in your life when you were deeply perturbed by the actions of another, leaving you with a bad taste in your mouth. Yet, you didn't possess the power to make those involved stop what they were doing or in any way amend their ways.
During seasons like this, God reminds us of a simple but profound truth. You and I are not called to fix every problem that arises. Sometimes, we have to bite our tongue, look the other way, take our hands off, and give it over to God.
I believe somebody reading this needs to join me in taking your hands off a specific problem (You know what it is.) and instead, begin clasping those hands together in prayer.
Prayer changes the very things we cannot.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs