As I was preparing to post requests today, I felt led to just allow the individuals seeking prayer to "speak for themselves." So, I'm posting the prayer requests "in their own words," with only minor edits for grammar, continuity, and length.
We know that God hears every cry, so on this Thoughtful Thursdays, please join me in praying for the following individuals:
1.) A "discouraged encourager" named Nannette who feels her faith failing writes:
"For the past two and half years I've experienced nothing but heartache, stress, confusion, frustration and depression. I have the strength to encourage others but when I need it, no one is there and I can't even muster up the strength to get myself right or encourage myself. I'm tired of trying. I'm tired of everyone around me receiving happiness and I'm on the outside questioning where's my blessings? I throw all of my focus into work so I don't have to think about the hurt and pain, but then, when I sit still, I begin to feel it and begin to cry. I don't know what to do anymore and I'm at the point of throwing up my hands, but I know that's not what God wants. Somebody PLEASE pray for me. I need my strength built up, my patience increased, my faith strong and the negativity removed from around me."
2.) A single mother named Anika Johnson who needs full time employment writes:
"It has been 16 months since I have held a full-time job. I was laid off
in February 2009 after serving as an Education Coordinator for a non-profit organization
for over a year. To my dismay, the organization was exempt from paying
unemployment leaving me with no income and using all my savings. I am a
single mother, so times were very hard. And times still are: I
still haven't found a full-time job. I have been working part-time
since September. My previous position was over on June 1st and now
the organization can only give me 6 hours a week for the summer and
$14.00 a week in unemployment. I have a degree in Education and just
recently passed the teacher's exam, but once again the school districts have
done a massive lay-off.
"It feels like when I have one foot forward, I get knocked back three steps. There are days when I have no faith and days of crying and self pity. I'm asking for prayer for God's grace and mercy, that I will find a full-time job, be able to get off welfare, and for strength."
3.) A consultant struggling in her own business named Janet Mitchell writes:
I've been an entrepreneur now for the past couple of years after my husband unexpectedly passed away from an inoperable brain tumor. He was always the primary breadwinner, so I couldn't get a good job. I didn't have enough experience or education. So I started my own wedding consulting business. Since I launched it, I have gotten some great accounts, but they are not steady. This keeps me in a constant state of struggling and I don't know what to do. I have two teenage sons that are both still in high school, so I have to bring in some money. I need God to open doors in my business and just to show me what I need to be doing.
"I have terrible low self-esteem problems. None of my friends and family know because of my bubbly personality. But deep down I feel ugly and worthless. I hate feeling like this and would like you to pray for my mentality and the way I see myself."
5. An anonymous woman with an eating disorder writes:No matter how skinny I get I always feel fat. I starve myself mostly all day and eat only 1 or 2 times a day so I won't gain weight. I always say I just ate and just pretend I'm not hungry so my family won't know. I'm tired of living like this but I don't know how to be free. I have 2 young daughters and I want to be able to set a better example than this. Please help me Lord!"
We know that God is a present help and we're believing Him right now, amen? Thank you to all of you who are standing in faith along with me and all these individuals needing God's hand to intervene in their circumstance.
If you need prayer from a strong community of believers, because we all need that, particularly during those rough seasons; don't deprive yourself. Please don't hesitate to get the prayer you need. Just click on the "Thoughtful Thursdays" tab.
Who's praying with me?
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!