Yesterday morning, I woke up at about 5AM with severe irritation in my right eye. It felt like an eyelash was in there, so I examined it more closely in the mirror. However, I couldn't see anything except redness and a few protruding veins resulting from the eye irritation. As time passed, the sensation that something was in my eye increased in its intensity; every time I tried to open it, look up, or look to my right, my eyelid would involuntarily blink rapidly and a fountain of tears would pour out.
I didn't know what in the world was causing this. There was nothing visibly there! I put drops in my eye, but that only made my condition worse.
Why was my eye leaking and hurting? Well, with one eye open and the sore one squeezed shut, I got on my laptop and headed on over to "Dr. Google" to perform a self-diagnosis.
Hey, I was desperate and at my wit's end.
After much reading and no real help, I did manage to come across one suggestion I decided to take, which was to flush my eye out with cold water.
So, I stumbled into the bathroom, stuck my head in the sink, and splashed my eye with as much cold water as I could take. Initially, I felt no change. So, I went back into my room feeling defeated. My eye was already involuntarily crying, so there was no use in exacerbating the situation by blubbering about it, although I felt like sobbing.
I slumped down on my bed all defeated.
After about a half hour, I was talking to my husband, when it hit me. There was no more pain in my eye. Whatever was there, must have been flushed out with the cold water. I didn't even realize it had worked until that moment.
My situation reminds me of how we pray about things sometimes and get frustrated because the pain and discomfort doesn't go away right away. We want every symptom or trace of trouble to leave instantaneously. When we don't get immediate relief, we get all down and defeated. We start to assume our prayers "aren't working."
We can be so impatient, can't we?
But don't lose heart.
Relief is on the way. As I often say, delay does not mean denial. Just because there's a waiting period, doesn't mean that the desires of your heart will never be fulfilled.
It may take a little time, but it will happen. Even in the midst of the hurt and turmoil, when you're crying fountains of tears, know that the stress, struggle, and irritation will subside. Before you know it, you'll look up and realize that what you had been praying and crying over, is alright.
Relief will come... soon.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs