Happy Monday family! I hope you all had a really great week-end and that you're doing well today. My week-end was a pretty eventful one. I spent time in the studio working on some music for my upcoming project. Thanks to all my Facebook friends that prayed for me; I had a rough time trying to sing initially, since I'm just getting over a pretty nasty cold.
Some of you reading the Daily Cup may not know that I'm also a singer. I don't talk about it very much, because it's that "other side" of Dianna Hobbs I had all but abandoned for quite some time. I had grown content pursuing other avenues of ministering to God's people and quite honestly, I had gotten pretty comfortable with that.
A little bit too comfortable.
But the Lord is calling me to do more and to get back to the thing I put down; so I'm being obedient to Him. I'm doing what He said. Although He's pushing me out of my comfort zone (Way out!) I'm willing to do whatever I need to do to be in His will.
I wonder if you, like me, have something in your own life you've been neglecting, that God wants you to pick back up again. What is the thing God has been tugging at your heart strings to do? You may not have to think that hard to discover what the Lord has relentlessly been impressing upon your heart to do once again.
No matter how hard you try, you just can't get away from it.
If you've got it in your mind, now is a great time to drop the excuses and walk in obedience. You're not alone. You and I will be walking together, along with many others, since we each have a unique calling on our lives--something that God desires and requires of us.
But we must be willing to do it... whether we prefer to or not.
We have to remember that our lives are not our own. We've got to give ourselves away, as the song says, so God can use us. Today, I encourage you to join me in surrendering to God's will and way completely.
Say yes to Him in every area of your life, so that He will be pleased and His name will be glorified in the earth.
You know I'm right here pulling for you, praying for you, and pushing you to do what He said. Always know, there's a blessing in obedience, not just for you, but for those you're called to reach with the ministry that's locked up inside of you.
Time to get it out! Let's go.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs