Recently, a few of my sisters got together and decided they were going on a health kick. No fried foods; no sweet drinks, just water; no eating anything after supper; and at least 30 minutes of cardio everyday. They, along with my mom, have been going for walks around the park for a few days now.
So yesterday, my younger sister invited me out to walk. I agreed to go; I threw on a T-shirt and some sweats, but couldn't find my only pair of sneakers. Well, since I needed some new ones pretty badly anyway, we all stopped by a local department store. I quickly purchased a pair to walk in and we were on our way.
When we got to the park, I noticed there were some people walking on the same path as we were and yet, they didn't have on "walking shoes." One woman had on low-heeled dress shoes, but she was simply going for a leisurely stroll, hand-in-hand with her significant other. My three sisters and I walked past another couple; they both had on flip-flops and were just moseying along slowly.
But us... we were on a mission and our shoes reflected it. We all knew we couldn't get out there and aggressively exercise without supportive shoes, tailor-made to maximize our efforts. Otherwise, we might have sprained our ankles, wounded our shins, and caused damage to our bodies. We knew that, if we were gonna get out there and make it happen, we had to be dressed for the occasion.
At first glance, we could tell the obvious difference between those that came to work, and those that came to soak up some sun.
Clearly, the flip-flop and dress-shoe wearers' purpose for walking around the park, was a lot different from ours. We were power walking with the intent to burn up some serious calories. They were just casual strollers and lovebirds, that were merely getting some fresh air and spending time with their mate.
As my sisters and I traded in our comfort for some real exercise yesterday, I thought about the importance of knowing your purpose, being properly focused on it, fit to fulfill it, and faithful to pursue it.
You can't dilly dally around when you have a real goal in mind. You've got to put on the right shoes for the job--those "walking shoes"--and be about your Father's business. I know you may see others who have chosen to take a leisurely stroll through life, but you and I have been called to do more than that.
Whether or not we elect to answer that call, is entirely up to us.
God won't make us exercise our gifts, push beyond our comfort zones, lace up our shoes, and go to work for the benefit of His Kingdom. Still, it is His sincere desire to see us do that. He wants us to become resolved to abandon a casual approach to our purpose and be intentional.
That means, work while others play; be diligent when others choose to slack off; be focused when others are distracted by life's non-essentials; and sacrifice comfort for the cause of the Kingdom when others live self-centered lifestyles.
Listen. If you've been meandering through life, just sort of aimlessly floating out there, it's time to focus.
Lace up your shoes and get going. God will show you which route to take in order to reach your destiny in Him. It'll force you to work, but the Father will give you strength to make it through.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs