As I started writing out the cursive letters, I realized how unnatural it felt to configure my letters "by the book." You know how it is once we grow older. We tend to develop our own way of doing things, because we know the ropes. Somewhere along the way, we throw the rules out, and for the most part, we deem them unnecessary. I guess that's why a lot of adults' handwriting is illegible. When everybody has their own way of doing things and there is no real uniformity, this often causes confusion.
Our cursive writing session got me thinking. Although structure, order, and rules are our friends, we tend to greatly value and enjoy our individuality, autonomy, and choice. We like flexibility and options, which can often make it difficult to submit to God's process.
You see, He has a specific purpose, plan, and design for our lives. All we can see is the individual parts, but God sees the whole. Our understanding is partial, but God knows how the story ends.
He knows the end from the beginning.
That's why we have to pray for guidance, wait for answers, and then, be submissive enough to follow His lead. We have to be careful not to jump ahead of God. We must trust that He will connect the dots and bring things together His way and according to His timetable, as long as we don't veer off the path He has laid for us.
Unfortunately, we often prefer our own technique over His. Like the adult that no longer follows the "writing rules," we sometimes make the mistake of writing our own life's script; while making up the rules as we go.
But that's not the way God desires for us to approach our relationship with Him. He wants us to submit our will and our way to Him, knowing that He will bring things together in due season.Today, I encourage you to follow God's lead. Even when you feel tempted to get off the path and adopt your own methods, don't do it. Remind yourself that God's way is best.
Be warned and beware of the enemy's devices. He will try to get you all puffed up and overly confident. He'll have you thinking you can adapt God's way to best suit your preferences, and make things work the way you want them to. That's not the way it works in the Kingdom and it will only end up causing confusion.
We have to trust and obey God. Period. Do it His way.
I know there are times when you have things you want to see happen, and certain ways you want to accomplish those things. But again, trust and obey God. Exchange your will for His and adopt a mentality that says, "Lord whatever your desire is for me, I say yes to that." I want to leave one of my favorite scriptures with you, found in Proverbs 19:21. "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails."
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs