Whatever it is you're facing, lean on the Lord for help and that's where you'll find your power. In this day and age, I know we're taught to be independent. We're told to "pull ourselves up by the bootstraps" and make things happen. While I do believe in personal accountability, responsibility, and diligence, I know that we can do nothing by ourselves.
Sadly, more and more people are buying into the idea of self-sufficiency, rather than God-dependency. Too many folks are trying to take matters into their own hands. They're struggling because they're attempting to force things to work out. Though their intentions may be noble, their methods are surely wrong.
We must never forget that without God we can do nothing. Jesus said in John 1:5, "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." (NKJV)
Incidentally, over the week-end, I was watching a debate among prominent African American leaders on C-Span. One of them spoke disparagingly about the notion of "waiting on the Lord," as if it were responsible for the lack of progress in the lives of believers. Immediately, something recoiled within me, because if we ever get to the place where we feel that our ability to be productive is separate from leaning on God, we're in really big trouble.
As you're reading this post right now, I admonish you to keep leaning on Jesus. Rest in Him. Trust in Him and obey His voice. As you depend on Him for guidance, strength, direction, and inspiration, He'll show you exactly what you need to do.
Remember this. Leaning on the Lord doesn't absolve you of your responsibility to be fruitful. Rather, it simply connects you to the vine, who is Jesus Christ. He is the One who gives you the power to bear fruit and be productive.
Listen. Dependency on the Lord does not weaken you, but it strengthens you, because apart from Him, you are powerless to do anything at all.
As the song reminds us, when we learn to lean on Jesus, that's when we tap into power beyond what we ever could have imagined. So, keep on leaning my friend, and watch God strengthen and empower you for your purpose. For now, I'm gonna keep on humming this song right here that's blessing my soul...
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs