The scent was strong... really strong.
"That smells like a lot of garlic," I thought to myself, but hey, I didn't wanna micromanage. So I resisted the urge to scrutinize his process and look over his shoulder the whole time. I let Kenya do his thing.
Once the bread was finished baking, he proudly brought it out and set it on the table. It looked so buttery and delicious; he did the honors and ate the first piece.
His face said it all. That look of pride was replaced with a look of disgust. Apparently, it didn't only smell like too much garlic, but Kenya had indeed been way too generous with the application of the garlic powder. We laughed so hard, because something that looked that good should not have tasted quite so awful.
From that, I thought about the fact that looks can be very deceiving. What something appears to be outwardly, is not always a real representation of what it is in actuality. Just like a scrumptious looking dish can taste gross, there are things and people that can end up being quite the opposite of what they seem to be.
Somebody say amen.
Unfortunately, we frequently get hung up on appearances. If everything looks kosher, we assume that it is. But no matter how well someone or something is "dressed up," only God can reveal what's behind the image.
"Perception is reality" is a popular saying we hear tossed around a lot. It essentially means that "truth" is whatever you perceive it to be. Now, I know that our predominant beliefs mold and shape our reality, but just because we believe something, does not make it an objective truth.
In other words, we can be completely assured of something and still be wrong in the end. Only God is able to reveal real truth. He sees hidden thoughts, motives, pitfalls, and traps. That's why we have to rely on Him daily for guidance and direction. When we do, the Lord sharpens our discernment, so we can see beyond what is apparent to the eye.
That way, we won't be so gullible, easily swayed, misguided, and fooled by distortions and misrepresentations of reality. We will indeed be what Jesus instructed us to be in Matthew 10:16... "wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs