Well, the glazed over look in Kenya's eyes said it all.
Unbeknownst to me (although I quickly discovered it), my bright ideas were not so bright. In fact, I had completely missed the mark. Still, Kenya listened attentively and periodically interjected clarifying points, hoping to possibly steer me in the right direction and spark those embers of brilliance lying dormant within. Ha! That never happened.
No matter how much explaining he did, things didn't become any clearer to me. The whole premise was just confusing at best. Finally, Kenya shrugged it off and gave up. We both laughed at my utter ineptness and admitted that I need to stick with what I know.
And it ain't urban planning, that's for sure.
There are specific assignments in life that God has given us the grace to carry out. But, when we step outside the place God has equipped us to occupy, and take on matters we have not been favored to handle, we make a complete and total mess. You see, when we're walking in our unique calling and carrying out divine orders, God empowers us to be fruitful.
The Lord smiles on us and grants us supernatural favor when we live a life on purpose. To be "off purpose," however, is to know the taste of defeat, frustration, and confusion.
Perhaps you're wondering how you can, in fact, know when you're living your life according to the path God has laid out for you.
It's simple.
You bear fruit.
Now, that doesn't mean things will happen overnight and everything you touch will yield the precise results you want.
That's a wrong assumption.
It does mean, however, that God will stir up a passion in you to pursue a specific course of action. When you obey His leading, that's when you step into your ministry, and those things that seem to stump and baffle others, will come easily for you, because that's what you're called to do.
As a result of your obedience to the call of God, you will see steady (even if gradual) growth and fruitfulness in the area you've been anointed to function.
Today, make up your mind to pursue the path God has preset for you. Put those gifts He's given you to work for the benefit of the Kingdom and watch how much more fulfilled you'll be.
Now, does that mean everyday will be Sunday? No. Will things always go your way? Uh, nope, sure won't. Will you suddenly develop the "Midas touch" overnight just because you're doing what God told you to do? Nah.
But you will live life on purpose.
You will indeed experience the true joy and peace that comes from knowing your life has meaning, and that through you, God is receiving glory. Whether you're a gifted and anointed writer, entrepreneur, singer, teacher, artist, inventor, designer, television or radio personalty... whatever it is and whoever you are, do what God has place you on this earth to do.
This is what it means to live a life on purpose and this is God's desire for you.
So, get busy!
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs