Last evening, my husband and I decided to drink some coffee together.
Now, neither one of us is a serious coffee drinker... tea is my beverage of choice. We pretty much like
the aroma of coffee and the idea of relaxing with a freshly brewed cup. That's about as far as it goes. In fact, we don't even own a coffee maker. It would be a waste, since we only indulge in a warm mug-full once in a while. Kenya and I just buy the instant coffee from the grocery store. One jar usually lasts for months.
Well, when I was making my cup last night, I got so engrossed in the conversation I was having with Kenya, that I put one too many scoops of instant coffee in the steaming hot water. Boy was it bitter! I couldn't handle the taste, so Kenya decided he would drink it for me. I watched him add about six teaspoons of sugar on top of the four I had already added, in order to sweeten the bitterness. Apparently, it didn't quite work. Kenya said it was pretty disgusting.
But still, he drank it down anyway... bitter and all.
Similarly, in our walk with God, sometimes we will have to drink from a bitter cup. But the good news is, the Lord knows how much we can bear. When it gets unbearable or too intolerable, He'll send someone to help us in our time of intense struggle.
Of course, we cannot expect to run away from our problems and pass them off on someone else, but there are dark seasons when our compassionate God knows we've had all we can take. We're simply too overwhelmed, so He sends someone who doesn't mind helping us carry that burden.
He sees all and He knows that it can get a bit too heavy for just one person. That's why the Bible instructs us to, "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ" (Galatians 6:2 KJV). It is His will that we all receive help, encouragement, love and support in our time of need. Aren't you glad about that? I know I am.
I'm reminded of the old song that says: "I must tell Jesus all of my troubles/I cannot bear these burdens alone/In my distress He kindly will help me/He ever loves and cares for His own."
Thank God He knows, sees, and cares.
No matter how bitter the cup; how steep the mountain; or how insurmountable the obstacle, God will in no wise leave you out there by yourself. Psalm 46:1 says, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." He's present with you and me in our darkest hour. Even when we feel all alone, we're not on our own.
He sees every tear.
He knows all about your heartache and He loves you so much that He's sending a word to let you know it. Today, whatever your situation is, cast all your cares and concerns upon the Lord (1 Peter 5:7) and He'll be right there to see you through.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs